Published March 10, 2023 | Version Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

A multiplicity of perspectives on complex urban water systems transformation - a systematic review (supplemental data)

  • 1. Dresden Leibniz Graduate School and Technische Universität Dresden


  • 1. Leibniz Institut für Ökologische Raumentwicklung


This supplemental data contains all records (publication and reference materials) used in the systematic review of the literature (publication pending):

1) Full list of publication records on urban water literature using the social-ecological systems and socio-technical systems framework extracted from the Web of Science and Scopus database (raw list).

2) Selected list of corpus and sub-corpus literature from the original list after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

3) Keywords mapping drawn from the reference list using the Vosviewer application.



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The manuscript that uses this data is still under review by the journal. This will be made available to the journal editors and reviewers. Please notify the author to request access.

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