Published February 22, 2023 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Grapevine Bunch Detection Dataset

  • 1. INESC TEC


Images of grapevine bunches with 720x540 pixels resolution and respective annotation under the YOLO format. Each annotation indicates a bounding box around each grape bunch representing its area and position.

The images and their annotations are stored in an archive with the following structure:


  1. label_map.pbtx
  2. test/
    • images/
    • labels/
  3. train/
    • images/
    • labels/
  4. val/
    • images/
    • labels/

Each annotation file links to its image by the file name, so if an image is named "IMG_20220721_101616.jpg", its annotation files are named "IMG_20220721_101616.txt" in YOLO format. The file label_map.pbtx defines the class id and the name of each class.


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