Published June 10, 2021 | Version version 3 (march 2023)
Dataset Open

IceAq - groundwater data, monthly manual data

  • 1. University of Iceland
  • 2. Ecole Normale Supérieure


Groundwater level, temperature, and sometimes electro-conductivity (EC) in two aquifers- Monthly manual data, 18 boreholes and 10 springs

Map localising the 18 boreholes and 10 springs (2 textfiles, 6Ko): 14 boreholes selected among the abandoned ones, and 4 new ones drilled downstream of Fláajökull, on a line toward the coast (FLA1, FLA2, FLA3, FLA4). The network thus constitutes of 13 boreholes in the basalt formation and 5 in the till and glacio-fluvial formation. In addition, we monitored 10 depression springs, 4 from the basalt aquifer and 7 from the till and glacio-fluvial deposits aquifer. All boreholes and springs were localised using a differential GPS in September 2021.

1 spreadsheet with 6 sheets, 40 ko: Monthly measurements 5 to 7 times a year of the groundwater level, water temperature and water EC with a manual piezometric probe (Solinst TLC Meter 107). The springs are controlled visually, and their temperature and EC monitored with the TLC Meter. A participatory approach involving Glacier Adventure, a tourism and educational company based in Hali, allows the monthly monitoring of 3 of the boreholes in the basalt aquifer all year round with an Hydrotechnik Water level meter.

Origin: MSCA Project Number: 885891 Project Acronym: IceAq

Project title: Proglacial and subglacial aquifers: their evolution under climate change and the potential impacts in terms of resources and natural hazards, through the case of eastern Iceland

Period of data collection: from May 2021 to September 2022.

Area of data collection: Iceland, south-east of Vatnajökull, Suðursveit and Mýrar.

Accessibility: The data can be read using e.g. the following open source softwares: LibreOffice (, QGIS (



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European Commission
MSCA DE 2020 – MSCA 2020 - Achieving more together 101004461