Published March 6, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

AI Recruitment: Fairness, Efficiency, and Reliability and Its Effect on Employer Branding



  • 1. University of Santo Tomas


Today, when technology is continuously changing, many companies are starting to leverage AI- enabled technologies within its recruitment processes. There is, however, little information on how job candidates perceive these technologies and how it influences their perception of a company. Hence, the purpose of this study was to determine if the fairness, efficiency, and reliability of AI- enabled recruitment affects a company’s employer branding and whether it is useful in hiring. The researchers then collected data from 303 respondents from a variety of industries who had used AI-enabled recruitment during their application process and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the survey results. According to this study's findings, the fairness and reliability of using AI-enabled recruitment positively impacts employer branding, with efficiency having a greater positive impact. Hence, despite the lack of a strong relationship between the variables, the study found that a company's recruitment process influences how applicants perceive them as potential employers.



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