Published March 31, 2022 | Version v3
Project deliverable Open

GERONTE DELIVERABLE D3.1 Literature review on the cost-effectiveness of healthcare services for older multimorbid patients

  • 1. Cergas SDA Bocconi, Bocconi University


The present document corresponds to the deliverable D3.1 “Literature review on the cost-effectiveness of service intervention for older multimorbid patients”, of the GERONTE project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement N°945218.

It aims to identify recent economic evaluations of service interventions that target multimorbid patients, with the goals to either identify methods and models that can be applied to the evaluation of GERONTE, and to highlight methodological gaps in available publications.


D3.1_Literature review_V5.pdf

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European Commission
GERONTE – Streamlined Geriatric and Oncological evaluation based on IC Technology for holistic patient-oriented healthcare management for older multimorbid patients 945218