Años Potenciales de Vida Perdidos por Siniestros de Tránsito
Abstract. Potential Years of Life Lost (PYLL) is a demographic indicator that allows us to quantify how many years, on average, have been lost for a group of people of people, in a given period of time, with respect to a set of causes of death. a set of causes of death. Operationally, they are calculated as the sum of the average number of years of life lost for a group of people in a given period of time for a set of causes of death, of the difference in years between the age of the deceased and a certain age limit. a certain age limit L at which the person was expected to live, or which it is considered that after that age, death is not avoidable.
In the presentresearch, life expectancy In the present research, life expectancy at age x is specified as that number of years potentially lost from living. Considering the differentcauses of death, In Uruguay, traffic accidents are one of the external causes with the highest number of deaths and one of the most common. of deaths and one of the leading causes of death in the age group of 15 to 45 years. 15 to 45 years of age. The results obtained are visualized by means of a graphical interface developed using the
shiny package in developed by means of the shiny package in Rstudio, which has the virtue of being able to be used by a user to The results obtained are visualized by means of a graphic interface developed using the shiny package in Rstudio, which
has the virtue of being able to be used by a user to obtain results, without requiring programming knowledge. As a conclusion of this work, it can be observed that the deaths and PYLL due to traffic accidents have a young male profile, where deaths
among motorcycle motorcycle driver fatalities are a preponderant number in the contribution to the total number of the contribution to the total number of PYLL.
Finally, if we compare the different crash scenarios, fatalities among motorcyclists Finally, comparing the different crash scenarios, fatalities among motorcycle riders have a median age below 30 years, while pedestrian fatalities are characterized by a
median age above 30 years, while pedestrian fatalities are characterized by a median age below 30 years. characterized by a median age of over 60 years.
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- Translated title (En)
- Potential Years of Life Lost due to Traffic Accidents
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