Ensemble Digital Terrain Model (EDTM) of the world
- 1. yu-feng.ho@opengeohub.org
- 2. tom.hengl@opengeohub.org
- 3. leandro.parente@opengeohub.org
Layers include: Ensemble Digital Terrain Model (EDTM) in 250-m resolution. Unit is in metre(m) and precision is in decimetre (dm). Maps are downscaled from 30-m resolution to 250-m in order to fit the size limit. We provide 30-m EDTM and its standard deviation as links:
- 30-m EDTM
- Standard deviation
Derived using ALOS AW3D, GLO-30, MERITDEM, and national DTMs. We derived a lower 10% quantile from all maps. In order to create bare earth data, we used canopy height (canopy height > 2m) and standard deviation (sd > 6m) to mask building and forest in AW3D and GLO-30. Practical processing is written here in Python.
To access and visualize maps use: OpenLandMap.org
If you discover a bug, artifact or inconsistency, or if you have a question please use some of the following channels:
- Technical issues and questions about the code: https://gitlab.com/openlandmap/global-layers/-/issues
- General questions and comments: https://disqus.com/home/forums/landgis/
All files internally compressed using "COMPRESS=DEFLATE" creation option in GDAL in Cloud Optimised GeoTiff (COG). File naming convention:
- dtm.bareearth = variable: digital terrain model (m), bare earth
- ensemble = determination method: ensemble of mutli-source dsm and dtm
- p10/std = aggregation/statistics method: 10th percentile / standard deviation
- 250m = spatial resolution / block support: 250 m,
- s = vertical reference: at surface,
- go = bounding box: global land without Antarctica
- epsg.4326 = ESPG code: epsg.4326
- v20230221 = version code: creation date 20230221