Advanced Bioinformatics Tools, coupled and integrated with Manual Techniques, demonstrated the definitive resolution of the plantar deformation, Hallux Valgus, with a long-time outcome of absence of recrudescence
- 1. ALVITA PLUS D.O.O. Nebojsina Ulica/Street 53/7, 11000, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
- 2. Alma Mater Europaea (AMEU-ECM); Slovenska Ulica/Street 17, Maribor, 2000, Slovenia.
Contact person:
- 1. ALVITA PLUS D.O.O. Nebojsina Ulica/Street 53/7, 11000, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.
Background: Hallux Valgus is a type of plantar deformation that involves an angular deviation of the big toe, inwards, with respect to the long axis of the foot. This creates a state of chronic inflammation with a formation of protusion on articulation of big toe called bunion. As a consequence, people can lose capacity of deambulation and require the contribution of self-propelled supports. The treatment consists of surgery and use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A familiarity in this condition has also recently been highlighted. Objectives: To demonstrate, how the combined treatment with manual techniques and specific anti-inflammatory, cream is able to resolve plantar deformation without the aid of surgery and without recurrence. Methods: The synergistic combination of three manual techniques, as: Bowen Technique, Reflexology and Su Jok, coupled with a cream containing Glycerol, Camphor and Povidone Iodine, applied on a cohort of 30 patient, divided in 5 groups, was the basis of the clinical application. In order to confirm the efficacy of the preparation, its composition was compared, by Molecular Docking, with normal antinflammatory drugs. Results: The results from molecular docking showed a greater affinity, of the components of the cream, than the classical drugs. Furthermore, the statistic of the reduction of the size of bunions, showed a complete success in the reduction of volume of bunion, without recrudescence. Conclusions: The combined treatment of manual techniques, with the application of a cream, has shown full effectiveness in resolving the Hallux Valgus plantar deformation, without the appearance of recrudescence. |
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