Published February 24, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

Public Diplomacy in Poland's Re-Branding Effort by Institute of Adam Mickiewicz (IAM) Through Polska Brand

  • 1. Defense Management, The Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia


The article provides an overview of national image, national brand and national branding, then presents selected campaigns promoting Poland in the international arena. Promotion, brand, image and public opinion are the most important notions in the Polish approach to the use of soft power means in international relations. It is only in recent years that public diplomacy gained more attention and became the most important tool for managing Polish soft assets through coordinating cultural diplomacy and international branding and by frequently pairing with economic diplomacy.This qualitative research analyzed by using Contructivism perspective by Stefano Guzzini on International Relations and supported by Public Diplomacy theory by Joseph Nye. This study showedthe year 2004 was significant for Polish efforts in rebranding the country. A coherent message about Poland and their influence on the current strategy for promoting the Polska brand through cultural diplomacy. The critical analysis places the Institute’s activities in the context of the priorities of Polish foreign policy and puts forward a thesis on the growing influence of the Institute on the development of Polish culture, Polish cultural diplomacy, and nation branding in Poland



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  • Peterson R.A., Jolibert A.J.P, "" A Meta-Analysis of Country-of-Origin Effects," Journal of International Business Studies, vol 26: 471.
  • Beata Ociepka and Marta Ryniejska, "Public Diplomacy and EU Enlargement: the Case of Poland," Discussion Papers In Diplomacy. Netherlands Institute of International Relations "Clingendael" (2005): 5
  • ] Ibid 6
  • Ibid
  • Op, cit Beata Ociepka and Marta Ryniejska 2
  • Beata Ociepka, "Polish Public Diplomacy," (accessed on 1 Juli 2021)
  • Ibid
  • Op, cit Beata Ociepka and Marta Ryniejska 2