Parabuthus granulatus
- 1. Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79 th Street, New York, NY 10024 - 5192, USA
- 2. Department of Arachnology, National Museum of Namibia, Robert Mugabe Avenue 59, Windhoek, Namibia
Parabuthus granulatus (Ehrenberg, 1831)
Androctonus (Prionurus) granulatus: Ehrenberg in Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1831 [unpaginated].
Buthus brevimanus var. β segnis Thorell, 1876 a: 110, 112 (synonymised by Prendini 2004: 144).
Buthus fulvipes Simon, 1888: 378, 379 (synonymised by Purcell 1899: 434; Lamoral 1979: 571). Parabuthus granulatus fuscus Pocock, 1901: 285 (synonymised by Kraepelin 1908: 251, 252; Lamoral 1979: 571).
Parabuthus granulatus bergeri Werner, 1916: 83–84 (synonymised by Lamoral 1979: 571).
Parabuthus granulatus strenuus Hewitt, 1918: 176 (synonymised by Prendini 2004: 145).
Material examined: 1 ♂ (SMN 121), Brandberg base camp [21°07'S: 14°25'E], 15.viii.1968, P.J. Buys; 1 ♂ (USDP), Brandberg, plains S, opposite Orabeskopf, 21°15.48'S: 14°36.54'E, 790 m, 16.i.1998, L. Prendini & E. Scott, flats at the base of gritty white dune sand dune against hill, UV detection, syntopic with P. brevimanus, P. gracilis, O. jenseni and O. wahlbergii; 1 ♂ (USDP), Numaskloof, Brandberg, 21°07.48'S: 14°25.54'E, 470 m, 17.i.1998, L. Prendini & E. Scott, coarse granitic sandy loam flats, UV detection, syntopic with H. conspersus, O. lamorali, O. ugabensis and O. wahlbergii; 1 ♂ (SMN 2174), Brandberg, Numas R., 21°06.815'S: 14°24.340'E, 23.iv.2000, T.O. Osborne; 1 ♂ (SMN 2588), Brandberg, White lady campsite, 21°00'57.72"S: 14°41'04.08"E, 4.iii. 2005, 461 m, D. Kunz & M. Jouve; 1 ♂ (USDP), Uis, 21°13.10'S: 14°52.04'E, 15.i. 1998, 660 m, L. Prendini & E. Scott, coarse sandy loam flats, collected at night with UV light, syntopic with O. wahlbergii; 1 ♂ 1♀(AMNH [AH 3382, 3383]), Daweb (N Uis), 4 km S [21°03'S: 14°54'E], 6.ii.1981, A. Harington, on sandy flats away from hills, one had a burrow, often near Euphorbia bushes, sympatric with L. elegans, P. brevimanus, P. kraepelini, O. jenseni and O. wahlbergii; 2 ♂ 1♀1 juv. ♂ 1 juv.♀Uis [21°15'S: 14°50'E], 29.xii.1989, H.C. Strauss (1 ♂ SMN 1336, 1 juv. ♂ 1 juv.♀SMN 1337), 1968, J.J. Nel (1 ♂ TMSA 10111), xii.1968, J.J. Nel (1♀TMSA 10117); 2 ♂ 2♀Uis tin mine, Uis [21°13'S: 14°51'E], 24.ix.1968, J.J. Nel (1 ♂ TMSA 15796), xii.1968, J.J. Nel (1 ♂ TMSA 9397), xi.1969, J.J. Nel (1♀TMSA 15785), 1979, H. Henke, syntopic with P. kraepelini (1♀AMNH [AH 1192]).
Ecology and distribution: This semi-psammophilous species (Fig. 12) excavates burrows in open ground, at the base of shrubs and grass tufts, and under stones, in semiconsolidated to consolidated sandy and gritty substrata (Lamoral 1979; Prendini 2001 b, 2004). It occurs in Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe (Lamoral 1979; FitzPatrick 1994; Prendini 2004, 2005 a) and has been collected in gorges intersecting the Brandberg, e.g. Numaskloof (470 m), and in sandy areas surrounding the Massif (Figs 2, 3), but not on the slopes or the summit.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Buthidae
- Genus
- Parabuthus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Scorpiones
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Ehrenberg
- Species
- granulatus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Parabuthus granulatus (Ehrenberg, 1831) sec. Prendini & Bird, 2008
- HEMPRICH, F. W. & EHRENBERG, C. G. 1831. Animalia articulata, Arachnoidea. Scorpiones Africani et Asiatici. In Symbolae Physicae. Animalia evertebrata exclusis insectis percensuit Dr. C. G. Ehrenberg. Series prima cum tabularum decade prima. Continet Animalia Africana et Asiatica 162. Berolini ex officina Academica, Venditur a Mittlero, 12 pp. [unnumbered, a separate text intended as part of 1828 issue of " Symbolae Physicae "].
- THORELL, T. 1876 a. Etudes scorpiologiques. Atti della Societa Italiana di scienze naturali 19: 75 - 272.
- PURCELL, W. F. 1899. New South African scorpions in the collection of the South African Museum. Annals of the South African Museum 1: 433 - 438.
- POCOCK, R. I. 1901. Descriptions of some new African Arachnida. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 7: 284 - 287.
- FITZPATRICK, M. J. 1994. A checklist of the Parabuthus Pocock species of Zimbabwe with a re-description of P. mossambicensis (Peters, 1861) (Arachnida: Scorpionida). Transactions of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association 68: 7 - 14.