Tusitala hirsuta Peckham & Peckham 1902
Tusitala hirsuta Peckham & Peckham, 1902
Figs 7, 12, 59–92
Tusitala hirsuta Peckham & Peckham, 1902: 330 (♂, not examined); Peckham & Peckham 1903: 244, pl. 28, fig. 3; PrÓchniewicz 1989: 225, figs 59–66.
Tusitala sansibarica Strand, 1907: 429 (♂).
Tusitala barbata Peckham & Peckham, 1902: WesoŁowska & Russell-Smith 2000: 110, figs 307–309 (♀, not examined) (misidentification); WesoŁowska & Haddad 2009: 92, figs 203–204 (in part, misidentification); Haddad & WesoŁowska 2011: 129, figs 220–221 (in part, misidentification).
Tusitala guineensis Berland & Millot, 1941: Dippenaar-Schoeman et al. 2001 a: 42–43 (misidentification); Dippenaar-Schoeman et al. 2001 b: 48–50 (misidentification); Dippenaar-Schoeman et al. 2005: 13 (in part, misidentification).
Tusitala lyrata (Simon, 1903): WesoŁowska & Haddad 2009: 93 (misidentification).
Diagnosis: T. hirsuta resembles T. barbata. The male can be distinguished by the shape of the palp – tegular basal process pointed retrolaterally (Fig. 60) instead of the downward orientation in T. barbata (Figs 31, 32, 48–50); base of embolus located on ventro-retrolateral edge of tegulum (Figs 79–81). The female can be distinguished by the structure of the spermathecae, characterised by the insemination ducts with two coils (Figs 61–67) compared to the single coil found in T. barbata (Figs 37–42).
Measurements: Carapace: 2.00–2.90 long, 1.50–2.30 wide, 1.25–1.75 high.Abdomen: 1.60–3.00 long, 1.25–2.15 wide. Eye field: 1.00–1.20 long, anterior 1.55–2.10 wide, posterior 1.50–2.15 wide. Chelicerae length 0.80–2.10. Clypeus height 0.10–0.15. Diameter of AME 0.47–0.60. Length of leg segments (medium sized male from Mpumalanga, NCA 98/518): I 1.90 + 0.80 + 1.20 + 1.00 + 0.60; II 1.20 + 0.70 + 0.85 + 0.80 + 0.50; III 1.30 + 0.70 + 0.90 + 0.95 + 0.50; IV 1.45 + 0.70 + 1.00 + 1.00 + 0.50. Leg spination: I: Fm d 1-1-4; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb pr 1-0-1-1, rt 1-0-1-0, v 2-2-2ap; Mt pr & rt 0-1ap, v 2-2ap. II: Fm d 1-1-5; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb pr 1-1-1, rt 1-1 or 1-1-0, v 2-2-2ap; Mt pr & rt 1-1, v 2-2ap. III: Fm d 1-1-4; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb d 1-0-0, pr & rt 1-1-1, v 1-0- 2ap; Mt d 0-1-0, pr & rt 1-0-2, v 2-0-2ap. IV: Fm d 1-1-3; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb d 1-0-0, pr & rt 1-1-1, v 1-0-2ap; Mt pr & rt 1-1-2, v 2-0-2ap.
Coloration (Figs 72–78): Carapace brown, with dark brown thoracic part covered with dark brown hairs, thin median brown longitudinal band covered with transparent white hairs, with transparent white hairs on sides; black patches around eyes (Figs 72–75). Sternum yellow-brown, maxillae and labium brown to dark brown, with apical part yellow (Fig. 76). Chelicerae brown to dark brown. Clypeus and cheeks brown, covered with white hairs (Figs 77, 78), with transversal white stripes in certain males.Abdomen brown-yellow, with broad brown longitudinal band ventrally (Fig. 76). Dorsum with pattern of longitudinal and transverse yellow and brown bands and patches (Figs 72–74). Spinnerets brown. Booklungs yellow to brown. Legs yellow-brown. Palps yellow-brown. Palpal structure as in Figs 59, 60, 79–81.
Carapace: 2.00–3.50 long, 1.50–2.70 wide, 1.20–1.95 high.Abdomen: 1.90–4.50 long, 1.50–3.00 wide. Eye field: 1.15–1.70 long, anterior 1.55–2.50 wide, posterior 1.65–2.60 wide. Chelicerae length 0.70–1.20. Clypeus height 0.10. Diameter of AME 0.50–0.75. Length of leg segments (female from KwaZulu-Natal, NCA 2013/37): I 1.15 + 0.70 + 0.90 + 0.75 + 0.50; II 1.10 + 0.70 + 0.80 + 0.70 + 0.50; III 1.40 + 0.80 + 0.90 + 0.90 + 0.50; IV 1.40 + 0.80 + 0.90 + 1.00 + 0.50.
Leg spination: I: Fm d 1-1-4; Pt pr 1; Tb pr 1-1-1 or 0-1-1, rt 0-1 or 0-0, v 2-2-2ap; Mt pr & rt 1-1ap, v 2-2ap. II: Fm d 1-1-5; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb pr 1-1-1, rt 0-1 or 1-0 or 1-1, v 1-2-2ap; Mt pr & rt 1-1ap, v 2-2ap. III: Fm d 1-1-4; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb d 1-0-0, pr & rt 1-1-1, v 1-0-2ap; Mt d 0-1-0, pr & rt 1-0-2, v 2-0-2ap. IV: Fm d 1-1-3; Pt pr & rt 1; Tb d 1-0-0, pr & rt 1-1-1, v 1-0-2ap or 1-1-2ap; Mt pr 1-0-2ap or 1-1-2ap, rt 1-1-2, v 2-0-2ap.
Coloration (Figs 84–92): Carapace brown to dark brown, with thin longitudinal brownyellow median stripe, covered with white hairs (Figs 84, 85), wide in certain females (Fig. 86). Carapace sides covered with sparse transparent-white hairs (Fig. 91), dense in certain females (Fig. 92); with black patches around eyes. Sternum yellow to yellowbrown, maxillae and labium brown, with yellow apical part (Figs 87, 88). Clypeus and cheeks brown-yellow, covered with white hairs (Fig. 90), with three rows of white hairs in certain females (Fig. 89). Chelicerae brown. Abdomen pale yellow to yellow, with thin (Fig. 87) or broad (Fig. 88) brown longitudinal band ventrally. Dorsum with variegated pattern (Figs 84–86). Spinnerets brown. Booklungs yellow. Legs and palps yellow to brownish-yellow. Structure of epigyne and spermathecae as in Figs 61–71.
Material examined: BOTSWANA: NorthWest/ Ngamiland District: Khwai River – Moremi (N gate), ca. 19°08'S 23°48'E, tree trunk, 18.vii.1978, A. Russell-Smith, 1♂ (PCARS); Okavango Delta, near Shakawe, 18°25'S 21°53'E, beating short shrubs, 25.xi.2006, C. Haddad, F. Jordaan, 1♂ (NCA 2007 /1079); same locality, 12.xii.2006, C. Haddad, R. Lyle, 4♂ 1♀ 1 subad.♀ (NCA 2007 /1103); Okavango Delta, PomPom Camp, ca. 19°22'S 22°40'E, 22.viii.2001, E. Kassimatis, 2♂ (NCA 2002 /455). MOZAMBIQUE: Maputo, Inhaca Island, ca. 26°00'S 32°57'E, mangroves, 23.xii.1992, T. Steyn, 1♂ (NCA 93 /196). SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Prov.: Coffee Bay, ca. 31°58'S 29°09'E, beating coastal dune forest, 2.xi.2006, C. Haddad, R. Lyle, 1♂ (NCA 2007 /405); Jeffrey’s Bay, ca. 34°02'S 24°55'E, in garden, by hand, 15.viii.2008, L. Wiese, 1♀ (NCA 2010 /1931); same locality, Kabeljouws, 34°00'S 24°55'E, 10 m, dense grass in garden, 12.ix.2012, C. Haddad, 1♂ (NCA 2012 /4323); Kei Mouth, 32°41'S 28°22'E, beating, coastal dune forest, 6.xii.2005, C. Haddad, 1♂ (NMBA 16194); Silaka Nat. Res., 31°39'S 29°30'E, on outside walls of houses, 32 m, 11.i.2011, C. Haddad, 11♀ (NCA 2012 /1119). Free State Prov.: Sandveld Nat. Res., Hoopstad, 27°41'S 25°42'E, beating, 17–18.iii.2008, L. Lotz, 6♂ 2♀ (NMBA 11800); Virginia, Glen Harmony, 28°05'S 26°54'E, on shrub, 1340 m, 4.x.1987, L. Lotz, 1♀ (NMBA 14943). KwaZuluNatal Prov.: iSimangaliso Wetland Park, ca. 28°23'S 32°24'E, leaf litter, 3.vii.2007, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NCA 2013 /10); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Banghoek Lodge, 27°46'S 32°08'E, canopy fogging on Acacia tortilis, bushveld, 131 m, 17.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 7♂ (NCA 2012 /5734); same locality, canopy fogging on Berchemia zeyheri, bushveld, 131 m, 17.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 12♂ 13♀ (NCA 2013 /37); same locality, 27°45'S 32°08'E, canopy fogging on A. karroo, bushveld, 130 m, 17.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 2♂ 5♀ (NCA 2012 /3962); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Crocodile Centre, 28°21'S 32°25'E, canopy fogging on Breonadia salicina, 24 m, 14.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 6♂ 3♀ (NCA 2012 /5745); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Hell’s Gate, 28°00'S 32°26'E, pitfall traps, 19.i.2003, J. Esterhuizen, 1♀ (NCA 2011 /2521); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Kosi Bay Nat. Res., 26°55'S 32°52'E, on board in ablution block, by hand, 29.x.1987, M. Filmer, 1♀ (NCA 88 /389); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Meersig, 28°14'S 32°29'E, canopy fogging on Syzygium cordatum, wetland, 14 m, 14.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 2♂ 10♀ (NCA 2013 /49); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, near Mission Rocks Beach, 28°15'S 32°28'E, canopy fogging on Albizia adianthifolia, 83 m, 12.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 1♀ (NCA 2013 /10); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, St Lucia, 28°23'S 32°24'E, canopy fogging on Trichilia emetica, coastal forest, 22 m, 13.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 3♂ 1♀ (NCA 2013 /10); same locality, canopy fogging on T. dregeana, coastal forest, 21 m, 13.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 1♀ (NCA 2012 /5738); iSimangaliso Wetland Park, uMkuze Game Res., 27°37'S 32°15'E, branch beating, old trial camp, 17.vii.2008, X. Combrink, 1♂ (NCA 2011 /2518); Ithala Game Res., Doornkraal Camp, 27°30'S 31°12'E, canopy fogging, mixed trees, 28.i.2014, C. Haddad, Z. Mbo, 1♂ (NCA 2013 /5279); same locality, Ntshodwe Camp, 27°32'S 31°16'E, base of grass tussocks, 29.i.2014, C. Haddad, 4♀ (NCA 2013 /5023); La Mercy, ca. 29°38'S 31°07'E, sweeping, grass, 18.xi.1979, C.J. Cilliers, 1♂ (NCA 80 /91); Ndumo Game Res., 26°51'S 32°12'E, 10.xii.1992, L. Lotz, 1♂ (NMBA 14135); same locality, 10.xii.1994, L. Lotz, 1♀ (NMBA 17118); same locality, Bhulezi, Acacia nigrescens woodland, 26°51'S 32°13'E, pitfall traps, 27.xi–7.xii.2009, C. Haddad, V. Swart, A. Kirk-Spriggs, 1♂ (NCA 2013 /508); same locality, subtropical bush, Mahemane thicket, 26°51'S 32°14'E, beats, foliage, 2.xii.2000, C. Haddad, 1♂ (NCA 2008 /2761); same locality, E shore of Shokwe Pan, 26°52'S 32°12'E, A. xanthophloea bark, 16.vi.2005, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NCA 2008 /1857); same locality, Shokwe Area, 26°52'S 32°14'E, Malaise trap, Ficus forest, 30.xi.2009, A.H. Kirk-Spriggs, 1♂ (NMBA 16802); same locality, ca. 26°52'S 32°15'E, Acacia beating, savanna, 23.vi.2006, A. Honiball, 1♂ (NCA 2006 /1301); same locality, SW shore of Banzi Pan, 26°53'S 32°16'E, A. xanthophloea bark, 5.ii.2005, C. Haddad, 2♀ (NCA 2008 /661); same data, 11.vii.2004, 1♀ (NCA 2008 /657); same locality, Crocodile Farm, Pongola River floodplain, 26°54'S 32°19'E, beating, short bushes, 2.xii.2000, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NMBA 11605); same locality, beating, short shrubs, 2. xii.2000, C. Haddad, 1♂ (NMBA 12116); same, Pongola River floodplain, A. xanthophloea bark, 8.vii.2004, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NCA 2008 /616); same data, 20.vi.2006, 3♀ (NCA 2008 /626); same locality, Pongola River, water pump, 26°54'S 32°19'E, canopy fogging on B. salicina, 36 m, 2.ii.2009, C. Haddad, R. Lyle, V. Butler, 1♀ (NCA 2013 /789); Ophathe Game Res., Montane grassland, 28°25'S 31°23'E, beats, short shrubs, 897 m, 4.x.2008, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NCA 2008 /3967); Phinda Private Game Res., 27°50'S 32°20'E, by hand, 13.x.2013, V. van der Walt, 1♀ (NCA 2014 /989); Pietermaritzburg, 29°36'S 30°23'E, against outside wall, 14–16.vii.1990, L.N. Lotz, 1♀ (NMBA 05288); Sodwana Bay Nat. Park, Ubombo, 27°33'S 32°40'E, forest, beating and sweeping, 4.xii.1994, L. Lotz, 1♂ (NMBA 14172); Tembe Elephant Park, near Mahlasela Hide, ca. 27°01'S 32°25'E, beating short shrubs, closed woodland/sand, 6.i.2002, C. Haddad, 1♀ (NCA 2007 /3259); same locality, sweeping, 15.iv.2003, A. Honiball, 1♀ (NCA 2007 /1767); same data, 1♀ (NCA 2007 /1768); 2 km E of Amanzimtoti, ca. 30°02'S 30°52'E, sweeping, grass, 12.viii.1978, E. Ueckermann, 1♂ (NCA 79 /184); Umhlanga Rocks, 29°43'S 31°05'E, by hand, 10.ix.2013, P. Webb, 1♀ (NCA 2014 /1005); Vernon Crookes Nat. Res., Umzinto, 30°16'S 30°37'E, camp, 27.xi.1995, L. Lotz, 1♂ (NMBA 14970); Vryheid, Vryheid Mountain Nat. Res., 27°45'S 30°47'E, canopy fogging on Rhus lucida, 1262 m, 24.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 1♂ (NCA 2012 /5969); same locality, 27°45'S 30°46'E, canopy fogging on Ziziphus mucronata, 1185 m, 24.v.2012, J.A. Neethling, C. Luwes, 1♂ 1♀ (NCA 2012 /5975). Limpopo Prov.: Entabeni Nat. Res., 22°58'S 30°16'E, active search, above knee, grassland, 12.ii.2008, S. Foord, 1♂ (NCA 2009 /2561); Kruger Nat. Park, Shingwedzi Camp, 23°06'S 31°26'E, 26.iv.2006, M. Cumming, 3♀ (NCA 2008 /2568); Louis Trichardt, Little Leigh, 22°56'S 29°52'E, branch beating, gallery forest, 19.iii.2006, N. Hahn, 1♀ (NCA 2011 /2055); Maasstroom, Al-te-Ver farmstead, ca. 22°45'S 28°28'E, chair in camp, 23.viii.1976, M. Zwiegelaar, 1♂ (NCA 76 /1475); Medikwe Heritage Site, Western Soutpansberg, near Makhado, ca. 22°59'S 29°36'E, 1.v.1999, S. Foord, 1♂ (NCA 2009 /1324); Musina, Tshipise, 22°36'S 30°10'E, sweeping, grass, 30.iii.1973, A.S. Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1♂ (NCA 76 /679); Soutpansberg, Lajuma, 23°02'S 29°27'E, by hand, 7.ii.2008, L. Lotz, 1♀ (NMBA 11461); Tshulu Research Res., 22°34'S 30°48'E, 385 m, by hand, 17.ii.2008, A. Henrard, R. Jocqué, 1♀ (NCA 2012 /34); same locality, mixed woodland, branch beating, 20.i.2008, S. Foord, 1♂ (NCA 2009 /2586); Tzaneen Area, 23°50'S 30°08'E, canopy fogging on Ficus sp., 6.xi.2012, J.A. Neethling, 2♂ 1♀ (NCA 2013 /2027); Waller’s Camp, 23°02'S 29°26'E, sweeping, 15.ii.2008, S. Foord, 1♀ (NCA 2012 /18). Mpumalanga Prov.: Brondal, 20 km NW of Nelspruit, ca. 25°21'S 30°50'E, on Fuerte avocado trees, 14.viii.1997, M. van den Berg, 2♂ 3♀ (NCA 98 /57); same data, 2.xii.1997, 4♂ (NCA 98 /254); same data, 6.i.1998, 2♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /255); same data, 14.iii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /975); same data, 26.iii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /1092); same data, 30.iv.1998, 1♂ 3♀ (NCA 98 /902); same data, 14.v.1998, 6♀ (NCA 98 /903); same data, vii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /1093); same data, 2.vii.1998, 1♀ (NCA 98 /976); same data, 2.vii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /977); same data, 22.xi.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /978); Brondal, 20 km NW of Nelspruit, ca. 25°21'S 30°50'E, on Hass avocado trees, 16.ix.1997, M. van den Berg, 2♀ (NCA 98 /58); same data, 2.xii.1997, 1♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /192); same data, 2.xii.1997, 1♂ 1subad ♀ (NCA 98 /256); same data, 22.i.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /464); same data, 2.vii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /979); same data, 16.ix.1998, 1♀ (NCA 2012 /554); Burgershall, 25°45'S 31°36'E, active search, citrus, 21.x.1987, M. van den Berg, 1♀ (NCA 88 /709); Glenwood, Schormann, 7 km NW of Nelspruit, ca. 25°24'S 30°55'E, on macadamia trees, 28.x.1997, M. van den Berg, 2♂ (NCA 98 /103); same data, 4.xii.1997, 1♀ (NCA 98 /819); same data, 17.xii.1997, 1♀ (NCA 98 /537); same data, 17.xii.1997, 1♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /538); same data, 17.xii.1997, 1♂ (NCA 98 /540); same data, 27.i.1998, 4♂ (NCA 98 /858); same data, 3.ii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /820); same data, 13.ii.1998, 1♀ (NCA 98 /606); same data, 24.ii.1998, 3♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /857); same data, 26.ii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /943); same data, 12.iii.1998, 3♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /473); same data, 16.iv.1998, 2♂ (NCA 98 /944); same data, 9. vii.1998, 2♂ (NCA 98 /859); same data, 18.ix.1997, 4♂ (NCA 98 /102); Komatipoort, Farm Sommerreg, 25°31'S 31°49'E, active search, cultivated garden, flower, 10.v.2005, J. Horn, 1♀ (NCA 2010 /3942); Kruger Nat. Park, Skukuza Camp, ca. 24°59'S 31°35'E, by hand, 13.viii.1991, S. Neser, 1♂ (NCA 2010 /1957); Lydenburg, Le Roux Dam, ca. 25°06'S 30°17'E, Yucca palm, by hand, 28.xii.1988, M. Filmer, 1♀ (NCA 88 /176); Nelspruit, ca. 25°28'S 30°58'E, orange trees, 10.vi.1976, E. Ueckerman, 1♂ (NCA 78 /51); Nelspruit, ARC–Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops, 25°20'S 31°46'E, on macadamia trees, branch beating, 7.x.1997, M. van den Berg, 4♂ (NCA 98 /151); same locality, on Fuerte avocado trees, 30.x.1997, M. van den Berg, 1♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /59); Nelspruit, Waaierproef, 25°21'S 31°46'E, on macadamia trees, 19.viii.1997, M. van den Berg, 11♂ 4♀ (NCA 98 /145); same data, 19.viii.1997, 2♂ 2♀ (NCA 98 /100); same data, 7.x.1997, 18♂ 7♀ (NCA 98 /98); same data, 4.xi.1997, 1♂ (NCA 98 /99); same data, 9.xii.1997, 4♂ (NCA 98 /816); same data, 20.i.1998, 2♂ 5♀ (NCA 98 /523); same data, 12.ii.1998, 8♂ (NCA 98 /817); same data, 17.iii.1998, 8♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /476); same data, 13.iv.1998, 3♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /815); same data, 13.iv.1998, 5♂ (NCA 98 /860); same data, 21.v.1998, 3♀ (NCA 98 /818); Schagen, 15 km NW of Nelspruit, ca. 25°26'S 30°47'E, on macadamia trees, 2.ix.1997, M. van den Berg, 1♂ 2♀ (NCA 98 /101); same data, 18.xi.1997, 1♂ (NCA 98 /144); same data, 3.iii.1998, 1♂ (NCA 98 /823); same data, 17.iii.1998, 2♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /856); same data, 9.xii.1998, 3♀ (NCA 98 /822); 10 km NE of Nelspruit, Hall & Sons, ca. 25°23'S 31°01'E, on Hass avocado trees, 6.xi.1997, M. van den Berg, 4♂ (NCA 98 /55); same data, 19.iii.1998, 2♂ 4♀ (NCA 98 /1134); same data, 2.vi.1998, 1♂ 1♀ (NCA 98 /1023); 10 km NE of Nelspruit, Hall & Sons, ca. 25°23'S 31°01'E, on Fuerte avocado trees, 25.xi.1997, M. van den Berg, 4♂ (NCA 98 /56); same data, 19.iii.1998, 4♂ 1♀ 1subad ♀ (NCA 98 /518); same data, 2.vii.1998, 2♂ (NCA 98 /1024); Witrivier, Hazyview Cabanas, 25°02'S 31°04'E, 1–4.vii.1996, L. Lotz, 1♀ (NMBA 08171). North West Prov.: Borakalalo Nat. Park, 25°09'S 27°49'E, sweeping, grass, 29.v.1987, M. Filmer, 1♂ (NCA 87 /795). Western Cape Prov.: Swellendam, ca. 34°01'S 20°26'E, by hand, 15.xi.2007, I. Price, 1♂ (NCA 2010 /757). ZAMBIA: Central Prov.: Serenje District, Kasanka Nat. Park, Fibwe Camp, ca. 12°35'S 30°15'E, 15.x.2001, T. Stuart, 2♂ (NCA 2002 /534). Southern Prov.: Namwala District, Kafue Nat. Park, Chibila Camp, ca. 15°42'S 25°47'E, beating short shrubs, 7. xii.2006, F. Jordaan, 1♀ (NCA 2007 /601).
Distribution: Southern and East Africa (Fig. 13).
Comments: T. proxima was described based on one female from Tanzania. We found three females from KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, which resemble T. proxima in epigynal and spermathecal structure (Figs 62, 68, see also WesoŁowska & RussellSmith 2000, figs. 310, 311). Due to the considerable variation in epigynal structure within the species (Figs 61–67), we suggest that T. proxima could be a junior synonym of T. hirsuta; T. proxima would need to be reviewed.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Salticidae
- Genus
- Tusitala
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Araneae
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Peckham & Peckham
- Species
- hirsuta
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Tusitala hirsuta Peckham, 1902 sec. Azarkina & Foord, 2015
- PECKHAM, G. W. & PECKHAM, E. G. 1902. Some new genera and species of Attidae from South Africa. Psyche 9: 330 - 335.
- PROCHNIEWICZ, M. 1989. Uber die Typen von Arten der Salticidae (Araneae) aus der aetiopischen Region im Zoologischen Museum Berlin. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 65: 207 - 228.
- STRAND, E. 1907. Diagnosen neuer Spinnen aus Madagaskar und Sansibar. Zoologischer Anzeiger 31: 725 - 748.
- WESOLOWSKA, W. & RUSSELL-SMITH, A. 2000. Jumping spiders from Mkomazi Game Reserve in Tanzania (Araneae Salticidae). Tropical Zoology 13: 11 - 127.
- WESOLOWSKA, W. & HADDAD, C. R. 2009. Jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) of the Ndumo Game Reserve, Maputaland, South Africa. African Invertebrates 50: 13 - 103.
- HADDAD, C. R. & WESOLOWSKA, W. 2011. New species and new records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from central South Africa. African Invertebrates 52: 51 - 134.
- BERLAND, L. & MILLOT, J. 1941. Les araignees de l'Afrique Occidentale Francaise I. - Les salticides. Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris (N. S.) 12: 297 - 423.
- DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S., VAN DEN BERG, M. A., VAN DEN BERG, A. M. & VAN DEN BERG, A. 2001 a. Spiders in macadamia orchards in the Mpumalanga Lowveld of South Africa: species diversity and abundance (Arachnida: Araneae). African Plant Protection 7: 39 - 46.
- DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S., VAN DEN BERG, M. A. & VAN DEN BERG, A. M. 2001 b. Salticid spiders in macadamia orchards in the Mpumalanga Lowveld of South Africa (Arachnida: Araneae). African Plant Protection 7: 47 - 51.
- DIPPENAAR-SCHOEMAN, A. S., VAN DEN BERG, A. M., VAN DEN BERG, M. A. & FOORD, S. H. 2005. Spiders in avocado orchards in the Mpumalanga Lowveld of South Africa: species diversity and abundance (Arachnida: Araneae). African Plant Protection 11: 8 - 16.
- SIMON, E. 1903. Histoire naturelle des araignees. T. 2, fasc. 4. Paris: Encyclopedie Roret, 669 - 1080.