Published December 28, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Role of Advertising Texts Translation in the Formation of Intercultural Communication

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to identify the impact of the translation of advertising texts on intercultural communication. The research methodology comprises the following theoretical methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization, induction and deduction – to identify features in the translation of slogans from English into Ukrainian; system method – to establish links between translations of advertising slogans in different languages within intercultural communication. The empirical methods are also used in the research: comparison – to identify common and distinctive features between the original slogan and the translation slogan; descriptive - to clarify factual information. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that for the first time English-language advertising discourse is considered in the context of intercultural communication on the materials of well-known brands; the main issues and intercultural aspects of translation of advertising texts into Ukrainian, which have not yet been studied by Ukrainian scholars, are considered. The article analyses the main issues of the formation of intercultural competence in the theory and practice of translation. The main strategies for slogan translations, which could exist both within many cultures and within a particular culture, are highlighted. Conclusions. The results of the research indicate that the main idea of the advertising text-translation should coincide with the idea of the original text. A discrepancy could lead to the loss of the basic content of the message or to the intercultural misunderstanding of the idea of the product, and as a result, to reduce demand for the product. The creation of the translation of the text of the advertising message has its own specific features. When translating, one should focus not only on lexical, stylistic, and morphological features, but also on intercultural ones. The translator should convey to the consumer both the verbal message and the cultural traditions and customs of the country from which the translation is made.



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