Published March 31, 2021 | Version 1.0.0
Project deliverable Open

iHelp: Project Management Handbook


The purpose of this iHelp deliverable, D1.1 “Project Management Handbook”, is to act as a manual for all project procedures and communications. This document provides the foundation for the practical work in the project throughout its duration and will help ensure that the project partners will follow the same well-defined procedures and practices. Thus, this deliverable is an important and mandatory tool to ensure that the project is delivered on specification, on time, and on budget.
The Handbook is based on the project procedures as defined within the iHelp Description of Action and Consortium Agreement and where necessary extends them in operational aspects. However, it is subservient to those documents.
This handbook is delivered very early in project M3 to guide the forthcoming activities (e.g. project management, deliverable writing, meeting organisation etc) throughout the duration of the project. Of course, the nature of some activities may change during the lifetime of the project and therefore this Project Handbook should be seen as a “living document”, i.e., its content may be adapted through the project duration to reflect changes within the project management procedures.


iHelp_D1.1-Project Management Handbook-v1.0.pdf

Files (1.7 MB)