Published February 22, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Competitive Advantage and Its Impact on the Operational Performance of Mobile Counter in Ambon City

  • 1. Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business
  • 2. - Pattimura University


: Business competition between companies is increasingly fierce encouraging companies to produce the best performance. Companies must be able to create competitive advantage in order to produce economic value for the company better than competitors. This study aims to analyze the effect of supply chain management on competitive advantage and its impact on company performance. The research sample used in this study were 34 owners of Mobile and Credit Counter in Ambon City. The analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS). Data from data analysis shows that supply chain management construct has a positive beta value of 0.794 and significant 0.000, this proves that supply chain management has a positive and significant effect on competitive advantage. The supply chain management construct also has a positive beta value of 0.652 and a significance of 0.000, this also proves that supply chain management has a positive and significant effect on company performance. The results also found that the construct of competitive advantage has a positive beta value of 0.327 and a significance of 0.004, this indicates that competitive advantage has a significant effect on firm performance. Keywords: supply chain management, competitive advantage and company performance.



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