Published February 21, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Ptychotomography datasets of an ultrafine eutectic Ti-Fe-based alloy processed by additive manufacturing

  • 1. German Aerospace Center (DLR e.V.)
  • 2. Institut Néel CNRS UPR2940
  • 3. European Synchrotron Radiation Facility


The development of metals tailored to the metallurgical conditions of laser-based additive manufacturing is crucial to advance the maturity of these materials for their use in structural applications. While efforts in this regard are being carried out around the globe, the use of high strength eutectic alloys have, so far, received minor attention, although previous works showed that rapid solidification techniques can result in ultrafine microstructures with excellent mechanical performance, albeit for small sample sizes. In the present work, a eutectic Ti-32.5Fe alloy has been produced by laser powder bed fusion aiming at exploiting rapid solidification and the capability to produce bulk ultrafine microstructures provided by this processing technique.

The uploaded datasets are a raw dataset of the 3D microstructure of the eutectic Ti-32.5Fe alloy acquired by ptychotomography at the beamline ID16A of the ESRF in Grenoble, France and a corresponding binary dataset for the bright Ti-Fe phase.

The datasets have a dimension of 1173 x 1182 x 1356 px³ with a voxel-size of (10 nm)³.

raw dataset: "RAW_10nm_ptycho_1173x1182x1356.tif"

binary dataset of the Ti-Fe phase: "TIFE_BINARY_10nm_ptycho_1173x1182x1356.tif"

more details can be found in J. Gussone, K. Bugelnig and P. Barriobero-Vila et al. / Applied Materials Today 20 (2020) 100767.



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Journal article: 10.1016/j.apmt.2020.100767 (DOI)