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Published February 17, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

How E-Service Quality, Experiential Marketing, and Price Perception to make Repurchase Intention on On-line Shopping

  • 1. Faculty of Economic and Business, Atma Jaya Catholic University Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 51, Jakarta, Indonesia e-mail address:
  • 2. Faculty of Economic and Business, Atma Jaya Catholic University Jalan Jenderal Sudirman 51, Jakarta, Indonesia. e-mail address:


The development of the internet led to the use of information technology. The use of information technology not only to transform the services provided, but also to change the service delivery process. In connection with this condition raises the opportunity for retail transactions in the use of online shopping. The purpose of research to determine the effect of E-Service Quality, Price Perception to Repurchase Intention mediated by Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Experiential Marketing on On-line shopping. The number of samples taken as many as 496 respondents. Respondents who were taken with the provisions ever shop by using online shopping. Sampling method by using random sampling. Data were analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed the largest influence is satisfaction to consumers loyalty, compared to the other variables. There is e-service quality, experiential marketing, price perception have influence to customer satisfaction. In addition consumer satisfaction has influence to customer loyalty and customer loyalty has influence to repurchase intention. Hence customer satisfaction has influence to repurchase intention, and customer satisfaction has a direct or indirect influence to repurchase intention



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