Published February 13, 2023 | Version v1
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[IO Islamic 2760] پند نامه



The same.

Dated the 18th of Shawwâl, A.H. 1191 (A.D. 1777, November 19), by Ghulâm ‘Alî bin Shaikh ‘Abd-alḳâdir bin Shaikh Aḥmad bin Abû Muḥammad bin Muḥammad Ḥusain. On the margin of ff. 1b-2b, a short extract from Bahâ-aldîn ‘Âmilî’s (died A.H. 1030=A.D. 1620, 1621 ) نان و حلوا (see Bodleian Cat., Nos. 1085-1088; Rieu ii. p. 679; A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 368, etc.). Bibliotheca Leydeniana.

No. 2760, ff. 1-38, 2 coll., each ll. 11; careless Nasta’lîḳ, mixed with Shikasta; size, 81/8 in. by 53/4 in.



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