Published December 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Drugs abused to enhance brain capabilities


Neuroenhancers, neurostimulants, smart drugs or brain boosters are pro-cognitive (nootropic) substances
that are used off-label, in order to improve cognitive functions. According to this concept, they are primarily prescribed for conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, stroke or dementia. By acting directly on the structures of the central nervous
system (CNS), these drugs enhance its functioning. However, pro-cognitive drugs are also widespread in
the group of healthy people, who expect to increase their cognitive abilities, efficiency of brain, memory
and learning abilities. They are included in a wider group of substances called lifestyle drugs, i.e. drugs that
improve the comfort of life. This group includes substances used in various therapeutic indications that have
different mechanisms of action, and a common purpose - improving the functioning of the CNS. The main
criterion classifying a given substance as neuroenhancer is its illegal use by healthy people. The preparations
most commonly used for these purposes include: fluoxetine, which in healthy people can increase self-confidence, desire to pursue a goal, modafinil, off-label used to reduce sleepiness and enhance wakefulness,
methylphenidate and atomoxetine – drugs enhancing mental performance and concentration, piracetam - offlabel taken to improve memory and mental and physical performance, memantine, taken by healthy people
to improve cognitive function, donepezil, taken to improve learning and memory and amphetamine which is
used to improve concentration, reduce fatigue and achieve mental agitation. 
Substances in this category are often taken by young people, intensive workers and students. They are
motivated by the desire to achieve the best results at work or study. Taking smart drugs gives them the opportunity to increase the efficiency of their duties. However, taking smart drugs in this way does not comply
with their approved use (off label use). The abuse of neuroenhancers may raise ethical questions, but also
constitutes a direct threat to health and life. Self-use of these drugs, outside of their registered indications, by
healthy people carries a risk of overdose and addiction. This should be an argument in favour of the rational
use of substances available on the market, in accordance with their therapeutic purpose. 



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