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Published March 11, 2023 | Version 0.4
Dataset Open

Global River Topology (GRIT)

  • 1. University of Oxford
  • 2. University of Bristol


Research group:


The Global River Topology (GRIT) is a vector-based, global river network that not only represents the tributary components of the global drainage network but also the distributary ones, including multi-thread rivers, canals and delta distributaries. It is also the first global hydrography (excl. Antarctica and Greenland) produced at 30m raster resolution. It is created by merging Landsat-based river mask (GRWL) with elevation-generated streams to ensure a homogeneous drainage density outside of the river mask (rivers narrower than approx. 30m). Crucially, it uses a new 30m digital terrain model (FABDEM, based on TanDEM-X) that shows greater accuracy over the traditionally used SRTM derivatives. After vectorisation and pruning, directionality is assigned by a combination of elevation, flow angle, heuristic and continuity approaches (based on RivGraph). The network topology (lines and nodes, upstream/downstream IDs) is available as layers and attribute information in the GeoPackage files (readable by QGIS/ArcMap/GDAL).


Vector files are provided in 6 continental regions with the following codes:

  • AF - Africa
  • AS - Asia
  • EU - Europe
  • NA - North America
  • SA - South America
  • SP - South Pacific/Australia

The domain polygons ( provide 60 subcontinental catchment groups that are available as vector attributes. They allow for more fine-grained subsetting of data (e.g. with ogr2ogr --where).

Network segments

Lines between inlet, outlet, confluence and bifurcation nodes. Files have lines and nodes layers.

Attribute description of lines layer

Name Data type Description
cat integer domain internal feature ID
global_id integer global river segment ID, same as FID
catchment_id integer global catchment ID
upstream_node_id integer global segment node ID at upstream end of line
downstream_node_id integer global segment node ID at downstream end of line
upstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river segment IDs connecting at upstream end of line
downstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river segment IDs connecting at downstream end of line
direction_algorithm float code of RivGraph method used to set the direction of line
width_adjusted float median river width in m without accounting for width of segments connecting upstream/downstream
length_adjusted float segment length in m without accounting for width of segments connecting upstream/downstream in m
is_mainstem integer 1 if widest segment of bifurcated flow or no bifurcation upstream, otherwise 0
cycle integer >0 if segment is part of an unresolved cycle, 0 otherwise
length float segment length in m
azimuth float direction of line connecting upstream-downstream nodes in degrees from North
sinuous float ratio of line length and Euclidean distance between upstream-downstream nodes, i.e. 1 meaning a perfectly straight line
domain text catchment group ID, see domain index file

Attribute description of nodes layer

Name Data type Description
cat integer domain internal feature ID
global_id integer global river node ID, same as FID
catchment_id integer global catchment ID
upstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river segment IDs flowing into node
downstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river segment IDs flowing out of node
node_type text description of node, one of bifurcation, confluence, inlet, coastal_outlet, sink_outlet, grwl_change
grwl_value integer GRWL code at node
grwl_transition text GRWL codes of change at grwl_change nodes
cycle integer >0 if segment is part of an unresolved cycle, 0 otherwise
continuity_violated integer 1 if flow continuity is violated, otherwise 0
domain text catchment group, see domain index file


Network reaches

Segment lines split to not exceed 1km in length, i.e. these lines will be shorter than 1km and longer than 500m unless the segment is shorter. A simplified version with no vertices between nodes is also provided. Files have lines and nodes layers.

Attribute description of lines layer

Name Data type Description
cat integer domain internal feature ID
segment_id integer global segment ID of reach
global_id integer global river reach ID, same as FID
catchment_id integer global catchment ID
upstream_node_id integer global reach node ID at upstream end of line
downstream_node_id integer global reach node ID at downstream end of line
upstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river reach IDs connecting at upstream end of line
downstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river reach IDs connecting at downstream end of line
length float length of reach in m
sinuousity float ratio of line length and Euclidian distance between upstream-downstream nodes, i.e. 1 meaning a perfectly straight line
azimuth float direction of line connecting upstream-downstream nodes in degrees from North
domain text catchment group, see domain index file

Attribute description of nodes layer

Name Data type Description
cat integer domain internal feature ID
segment_node_id integer global ID of segment node at segment intersections, otherwise blank
n_segments integer number of segments attached to node
global_id integer global river reach node ID, same as FID
upstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river reach IDs flowing into node
downstream_line_ids text comma-separated list of global river reach IDs flowing out of node
domain text catchment group, see domain index file



Catchment outlines for entire river basins (network components, including coastal drainage areas), segments (aka. subbasins) and reaches.

Attribute description

Name Data type Description
cat integer domain internal feature ID
global_id integer global catchment ID, same as global_id of segment/reach ID if is_coastal == 0 for respective catchments or the catchment_id for component_catchments, same as FID
area float catchment area in km2
is_coastal integer 1 for coastal drainage areas, 0 otherwise
domain text catchment group, see domain index file



Upstream drainage area, flow direction and other raster-based products are also available upon request.


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UK Research and Innovation