Published February 8, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Sexual offending in university staff settings - a systematic review

  • 1. Dublin City University


Increasingly, different workplaces, cultural spaces and social media are witnessing various forms of controversy and multilevel responses pertaining to the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual offending across jurisdictions (Ranganathan, Wamoyi, Pearson, & Stöckl, 2021). The focus of this review is on the university environment. A full literature review will be presented to contextualise the unique setting that is the university ecosystem when tackling sexual offending.
This paper is a systematic review which descriptively analysed the peer-reviewed research literature on an understudied population within university-based sexual offending, that of university staff. A total of 9 studies were included in the final analysis from a total of six countries, with a combined sample of 2,319 academic staff. Both quantitative and qualitative studies were included.


This document is part of the Book of Abstracts of the ReMO 2022 Conference that was organized within the framework of COST Action CA19117 - "Researcher Mental Health".


ReMO 2022 Abstract submission_SexualOffending_final.pdf

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