Simulated shielding performance of 1024 five-layer permutations of four satellite and radiation shielding materials against trapped particles on GTO
The 5Layer.csv file contains ionizing dose results of simulating the shielding performance of all 1024 five-layer permutations of four satellite and radiation shielding materials against trapped particles on GTO.
The materials are the aluminium alloy 7075 (Al_7075), polyethylene (G4_POLYETHYLENE), tungsten (G4_W) and the circuit board composite material FR4 (FR4).
The particle spectra used for this simulation are provided in the files AE9500keV.mac and AP910MeV.mac.
The simulated geometry is provided in the file 5Layer.gdml.
The particle spectra were generated with the AE9/AP9 models on SPENVIS, with electron energies starting at 500 keV and proton energies starting at 10 MeV.
The simulation was performed with GRAS / Geant4 with the FTFP_BERT physics model using 1.4e+11 electrons and 3.1e+09 protons directed against slabs of shielding materials of 1.5 g/cm2 total depth with each of the five layers being 0.3 g/cm2 in depth.
The ionizing dose is recorded in 0.5mm thick silicon plates behind the shielding plates.
Column A: ID of the material combination
Column B: Name of the top layer material.
Column C: Name of the second layer material.
Column D: Name of the third layer material.
Column E: Name of the fourth layer material.
Column F: Name of the bottom layer material.
Column G: Ionizing dose due to electrons in units of kRad per month.
Column H: Absolute statistical error in the electron dose in kRad per month.
Column I: Ionizing dose due to protons in kRad per month.
Column J: Absolute statistical error in the proton dose in kRad per month.
Column K: Total ionizing dose from electrons and protons in kRad per month.
Column L: Absolute statistical error in the total ionizing dose in kRad per month.
Column M: Relative statistical error of the total ionizing dose in per cent.
Column N: Rank of the material combination sorted from lowest total ionizing dose to highest.
Column O: Rank of the material combination sorted from lowest electron dose to highest.
Column P: Rank of the material combination sorted from lowest proton dose to highest.
All dose values are rounded according to their uncertainty.
Additional details
- Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research of Sustainable Space / Consortium: FORESAIL 336805
- Research Council of Finland