Published February 3, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, associate professor Azerbaijan Medical University,Department of Orthopedic Dentistry Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 2. Department of Pediatrik Dentistry Assistant Azerbaijan Medical University Baku, Azerbaijan
  • 3. Department of Pediatrik Dentistry Assistant Azerbaijan Medical University



Functional impressions are widely used in prosthetics of patients with complete loss of teeth. However, the advantages of a functional impression over an anatomical one turned out to be so obvious and effective that this was the reason for the development of a technique for obtaining it in patients with partial loss of teeth:

a) a functional impression allows you to determine the optimal relationship between the edge of the base of the prosthesis and the adjacent soft tissues;

b) it contributes to better fixation and stabilization of a partial removable denture;

c) it provides a more rational distribution of masticatory pressure between different parts of the prosthetic bed;

d) it can provide the necessary compression of the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed, corresponding to the masticatory pressure.


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