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Published February 8, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Navoi State University of mining and technology, Galaba 27, Navoiy, Uzbekistan


The modal synthesis of control algorithms for multidimensional systems with a given spectrum is considered under the condition of incomplete information about the state vector. For a linear multidimensional stationary system, a method is proposed for synthesizing systems with a given spectrum with incomplete information by designing a full-rank feedback matrix, in which the closed system has all eigenvalues equal to the given ones. The key elements in the considered expressions are pseudo-inverse matrices. For a multidimensional control system, a method is proposed for synthesizing systems with a given spectrum with incomplete information by applying a special canonical form. This algorithm provides the desired loop pole distribution for each channel.



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Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.7620363 (DOI)


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