Published August 30, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Use of injected polymers derived from plastic waste as substitution of fossil carbon and natural gas in electrical arc furnace (EAF)


Use of carbon and natural gas in EAFs is common practice these days. Injected carbon is used mainly for slag foaming and natural gas with oxygen as energy input by burners.
There is a strong effort in the steel sector to replace fossil raw materials with residues from other sectors, in order to reduce the utilization of virgin raw materials and to valorize wastes which are currently landfilled or in general scarcely reused. To fulfil these needs, new burner / injector technology has been developed and tested in EAF as part of Polynspire European research project within Horizon 2020 program.



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POLYNSPIRE – Demonstration of Innovative Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling 820665
European Commission