There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 6, 2023 | Version 0.1
Software Open

Artifact for "Statistical Reachability Analysis"


  • 1. Anonymous


This repository contains the artifact of the paper "Statistical Reachability Analysis" submitted to the FSE/ESEC 2023 conference.

# Artifact structure


The artifact is structured as follows:


├── (this file)

├── rq1 (folder containing the data for the results of RQ1)

│   ├── laplace (folder containing the data for the Laplace estimator)

| | └── RQ1-Laplace.ipynb (Jupyter notebook to generate the RQ1 results for the Laplace estimator)

│   ├── preach (folder containing the data for the PReach)

│   └── pse (folder containing the data for the PSE)

├── rq2 (folder containing the data for the results of RQ2)

│   ├── fuzz-data (folder containing the fuzzing data)

│   ├── figures (folder containing the figures)

| ├── esti-result (folder containing the estimation results of statistical reachability estimators)

| ├── scripts (folder containing the scripts to generate the estimation results)

| ├── sra (folder containing the source code of the SRA tool)

| RQ2-estimate.ipynb (Jupyter notebook to generate the RQ2 estimation results)

└── RQ2-timespent.ipynb (Jupyter notebook to generate the RQ2 time spent results)



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