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Published February 6, 2023 | Version v1.0
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Replication package for "The EarlyBIRD Catches the Bug: On Exploiting Early Layers of Encoder Models for More Efficient Code Classification"

  • 1. Simula Research Laboratory


This repository contains the replication package for the paper "The EarlyBIRD Catches the Bug: On Exploiting Early Layers of Encoder Models for More Efficient Code Classification" by Anastasiia Grishina, Max Hort and Leon Moonen, accepted for publication in the ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2023).

The paper is deposited on arXiv, will be available later at the publisher's site (IEEE), and a copy is included in this repository.

The replication package is archived on Zenodo with DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7608802. The source code is distributed under the MIT license, the data is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 license.



If you build on this data or code, please cite this work by referring to the paper:

   title = {The EarlyBIRD Catches the Bug: On Exploiting Early Layers of Encoder Models for More Efficient Code Classification},
   author = {Anastasiia Grishina and Max Hort and Leon Moonen},
   booktitle = {ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE)},
   year = {2023},
   publisher = {ACM},
   doi = {},
   note = {Pre-print on arXiv at}



The replication package is organized as follows:

  • src - the source code

  • requirements - txt files with Python packages and versions for replication

  • data - all raw datasets used for training

    • raw
    • devign - Devign
    • reveal - ReVeal
    • breakitfix_it - BIFI dataset
    • exception - Exception Type dataset
  • mlruns - results of experiments, the folder is created once the is executed (see part II), empty folder at the time of distribution

  • output - results of experiments will be partially stored here, empty folder at the time of distribution



Python version: 3.7.9 (later versions should also work well); CUDA version: 11.6; Git LFS.

Commands below work well on Mac or Linux and should be adapted if you have a Windows machine. 

I. Set up data, environment and code

1. Path to project directory

Update path/to/project to point at EarlyBIRD

export EarlyBIRD=~/path/to/EarlyBIRD

2. Download codebert checkpoint

Please, install Git LFS:

Run the following from within $EarlyBIRD/:

cd $EarlyBIRD
mkdir -p checkpoints/reused/model
cd checkpoints/reused/model
git lfs install
git clone
cd codebert-base/
git lfs pull
cd ../../..

3. Set up a virtual environment

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

3.1 No CUDA

python -m pip install -r requirements/requirements_no_cuda.txt

3.2 With CUDA (to run on GPU)

python -m pip install -r requirements/requirements_with_cuda.txt
python -m pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url

4 Preprocess data

After preprocessing, all datasets are stored in jsonlines (if in python) format. Naming convention: split is one of 'train', 'valid', 'test' in data/preprocessed-final/<dataset_name>/<split>.jsonl, with 

{'src': "def function_1() ...", 'label': "Label1"}
{'src': "def function_2() ...", 'label': "Label2"}

4.1 Devign

Raw data is downloaded from Test, train, valid txt files are downloaded from All files are saved in data/raw/devign.

To preprocess raw data:

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m src.preprocess \
    --dataset_name devign \
    --shrink_code \
    --config_path src/config.yaml

4.2 ReVeal

Raw data is downloaded from under "Our Collected vulnerabilities from Chrome and Debian issue trackers (Often referred as Chrome+Debian or Verum dataset in this project)" and saved in data/raw/reveal.

To preprocess raw data:

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m src.preprocess \
    --dataset_name reveal \
    --shrink_code \
    --config_path src/config.yaml

4.3 Break-it-fix-it

Raw data is downloaded as from under p. 1, unzipped, and the folder orig_bad_code is saved in data/raw/break_it_fix_it.

To preprocess raw data:

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m src.preprocess \
    --dataset_name break_it_fix_it \
    --shrink_code \
    --ratio_train 0.9 \
    --config_path src/config.yaml

Note: The original paper contains only train and test split. Use --ratio_train to specify what part of the original train (orig-train) split will be used in train and the rest of orig-train will be used for validation during training.

4.4 Exception Type

Raw data is downloaded from under "2. Exception classification" (it points to this storage) and saved in data/raw/exception_type.

To preprocess raw data:

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m src.preprocess \
    --dataset_name exception \
    --shrink_code \
    --config_path src/config.yaml

II. Run code

Activate virtual environment (if not done so yet):

cd $EarlyBIRD
source venv/bin/activate

Example run

Run experiments with Devign using pruned models (cutoff_layers_one_layer_cls) to 3 layers (--hidden_layer_to_use 3), for example:

cd $EarlyBIRD
python -m --help              # for help with command line args

python -m \
    --config_path src/config.yaml \
    -warmup 0 \
    --device cuda \
    --dataset_name devign \
    --benchmark_name acc \
    --train \
    --test \
    --epochs 10 \
    -clf one_linear_layer \
    --combination_type cutoff_layers_one_layer_cls \
    --hidden_layer_to_use 3 \
    --experiment_no 12 \
    --seed 42

To run experiments on a small subset of data, use --debug argument. For example:

python -m \
    --debug \
    --config_path src/config.yaml \
    -warmup 0 \
    --device cuda \
    --dataset_name devign \
    --benchmark_name acc \
    --train \
    --test \
    --epochs 10 \
    -clf one_linear_layer \
    --combination_type cutoff_layers_one_layer_cls \
    --hidden_layer_to_use 3 \
    --experiment_no 12 \
    --seed 42


Explore output

Your EarlyBIRD/ should contain mlruns/. If you started the from another location, you will find mlruns/one level below that location.

cd $EarlyBIRD
mlflow ui

Alternatively, find tables in EarlyBIRD/output/tables/ with best epoch logs and logs of all epochs. 




The work included in this repository was supported by the Research Council of Norway through the secureIT project (IKTPLUSS #288787). Max Hort is supported through the ERCIM 'Alain Bensoussan' Fellowship Programme. The empirical evaluation was performed on the Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing (eX3), financially supported by the Research Council of Norway under contract #270053, as well as on resources provided by Sigma2, the National Infrastructure for High Performance Computing and Data Storage in Norway.


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Is supplement to
Preprint: 10.48550/arXiv.2305.04940 (DOI)