Noronhia jeremii
- 1. Missouri Botanical Garden P. O. Box 299 St. Louis MO 63166 - 0299 U. S. A & Claude E. Phillips Herbarium Delaware State University 1200 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover DE 19901 - 2277 U. S. A.
39. Noronhia jeremii Hong-Wa & Callm. in Candollea 64: 199. 2009 (Fig. 28A).
Typus: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: Ambanja, Beramanja, massif du Kalabenono, 13º38’38”S 48º40’07”E, 520 m, 25.XI.2007, Callmander & Razafitsalama 740 (holo-: MO-6406809!; iso-: G [G00165767]!, K!, P [P00727210]!, TAN!, WAG!).
Shrubs to 4 m tall, trunk to 2 cm diameter; young twigs cylindrical, 1.3-2.6 mm diameter, glabrous; bark medium to light gray, smooth. Leaves opposite, persistent; bud scales deciduous; blades medium green above, lighter below, linear to oblong, 10.5-27 3 2-7 cm, subcoriaceous, glabrous, domatia absent, base rounded to cordate, margin slightly undulate, apex acuminate, the acumen 6-23 mm long, midrib flat to slightly sunken above, raised below, secondary veins conspicuous, 10-21 per side, 6-22 mm apart, looping 1.5-5 mm from the margin; petiole light gray to brownish, 6-16 3 2-4 mm, entirely woody, glabrous. Thyrses solitary, pauciflorous, diffuse; peduncle 11-16 mm long, glabrous; pedicel 11-20 mm long, glabrous; calyx glabrous on both sides, lobes deltate, 2-2.6 3 1.4-1.7 mm; corolla yellowish, cupuliform, 5-6 mm long, glabrous on both sides, the tube 2-2.5 mm long, lobes triangular, apex acute; corona absent; stamens 2.2- 2.5 mm long, anthers widely obovate, 1.5-1.6 mm long; pistil 2.3-3 mm long, stigma capitate. Fruiting pedicel 11-25 3 1-2 mm; young fruits green, brownish when mature, ampulliform to subglobose, 15.5-20 3 11-19 mm, surface smooth, apex apiculate; dry pericarp 0.3-1.1 mm thick; endocarp subcrustaceous; seed 9.5 3 11.5 mm.
Noronhia jeremii is named after Jérémie “Jimmy” Razafitsalama, a botanist working for the Missouri Botanical Garden in Madagascar, who collected the type material with the second author of this species. Jimmy was part of a team that undertook botanical inventories between 2005 and 2008 to explore the flora and vegetation in a long-neglected region of low- to high-elevation humid forest in northern Madagascar. These field expeditions led to the discovery of at least 20 new species in various families (CALLMANDER et al., 2008, 2009, 2012; WAHLERT, 2016).
Distribution, ecology and phenology
Noronhia jeremii occurs in low- to mid-elevation humid forests on sandstones and basement rocks in northern Madagascar, from Makira in the east to Kalobinono [previously called Kalabenono] in the west (Fig. 27). It produces flowers and fruits from August to November.
Conservation status
The assessment, which was based on six collections representing six localities, resulted in an EOO of 796 km 2, an AOO of 16 km 2, and three subpopulations representing two locations, of which only one occurs within a protected area (Galoko). The third location sits outside the new protected area of Makira, where forests are potentially subject to exploitation leading to a reduction in habitat quality. Therefore, N. jeremii is assigned a preliminary status of “Endangered” [EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)].
138 Boissiera 70
Noronhia jeremii can be recognized by its long, broadly linear leaf blades, petioles that are attached to the lower surface of the leaf blades, flowers lacking a corona, and apiculate fruits. It differs from N. capuronii by its glabrous (vs. pubescent) petioles, linear to oblong (vs. ovate) leaf blades, and woodier endocarp.
Additional specimens examined
MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antsiranana: Ambilobe, Beramanja, Anketrabe, forêt de Kalabenono, 13°38’20”S 48°40’16”E, 374 m, 19.XI.2006, Callmander et al. 537 (G, K, MO, P, TAN); ibid. loc., 13°38’23”S 48°40’24”E, 550 m, 28.IX.2013, Randriantsivery & Manjato 396 (MO, TAN); ibid. loc., forêt de Galoko, 13°35’28”S 48°43’14”E, 3.X.2013, Randriantsivery et al. 419 (G, MO, P, TAN); ibid. loc., forêt de Kalabenono, 13°38’40”S 48°40’26”E, 700 m, 28.IX.2013, Ratovoson 2040 (G, MO, P, TAN). Prov. Toamasina: Maroantsetra, Ambinanitelo, Marovovonana, 15°19’42”S 49°31’49”E, 150 m, 29.VIII.2004, Antilahimena 2618 (G, MO, P).
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Additional details
- Collection code
- G, K, MO, P, TAN , G, MO, P , G, MO, P, TAN , M, G, K, P, TAN, WAG , MO, TAN
- Event date
- 2004-08-29 , 2006-11-19 , 2007-11-25 , 2013-09-28 , 2013-10-03
- Family
- Oleaceae
- Genus
- Noronhia
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Material sample ID
- G00165767, P00727210
- Order
- Lamiales
- Phylum
- Tracheophyta
- Species
- jeremii
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Verbatim event date
- 2004-08-29 , 2006-11-19 , 2007-11-25 , 2013-09-28 , 2013-10-03