Ecotrends in Ukrainian Book Publishing
The eco trends in Ukrainian book publishing are investigated in the article. The author suggests considering them in the following aspects: design, content, marketing, post-marketing, and organization. The design aspect reflects the material aspect of the book’s origin: the use of the colors and elements associated with purity, nature; FSC printing or use of recycled paper, etc. The aspect of the content focuses on the book’s origin informational aspect. Currently, Ukrainian publishers have more books on eco-thematics of various targets and readerships (non-fiction editions and literary fiction for children, educational editions for schoolchildren and students, literary fiction for adults, popular non-fiction and scientific editions for adults, and popular publications). Among them are original publications created by Ukrainian authors in the Ukrainian language, as well as translations from various languages. The marketing aspect reflects how characteristics associated with environmental friendliness are used to promote the book and its logistics: the use of relevant topics related to responsible consumption, preservation of forests and water bodies, climate change, etc., in direct and indirect advertising. The post marketing stage occurs after the book has ended up with the consumer (bookcrossing and other ways of reusing the book). The organizational aspect shows how the publishing process is configured (“green office” and other elements of responsible consumption during production). The author also suggests topics for further research: in particular, to analyze various segments of publishing products; new technologies and approaches in book sustainable design; the impact of the war on the possibilities of ecological production of books in Ukraine; peculiarities of the implementation of the “green office” concept in Ukrainian publishing houses under normal conditions and conditions of war and pandemic, etc.
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