Cultural Heritage Phenomenon and Its Place in Modern International Relations
The purpose of the article is to reveal the place and role of cultural heritage in international relations at the current stage of the development of the socio-cultural space, as well as to consider the main trends in the preservation and distribution of world cultural heritage at the international level. Research methodology. The methodological basis is an interdisciplinary approach, which involves the use of general scientific methods of cognition, as well as special (cultural, historical, political) methods for the analysis of the research object. The system-structural method is applied for the theoretical understanding of the types of world cultural heritage; a comparative-historical method that allows you to trace the transformations of the place and role of world cultural heritage in the context of the evolution of information and communication technologies, international relations as an intercultural activity, etc. Scientific novelty. The place and significance of world cultural heritage in international relations, in particular in the context of its relationship with diplomacy, in historical retrospect and at the present stage, at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century, have been studied; analyzed the concept of «soft power» in the context of preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage at the international level; modern perspective directions and trends of preservation of world cultural heritage, etc. are considered. Conclusions. The popularization of cultural heritage objects can positively influence the image of the state in the international arena, and become a confirmation of active participation in the process of preserving world heritage.
In the late 2010s – early 2020s, cultural heritage took a new place in the system of international relations, which is connected with the increasing level of inclusion of cultural heritage in other areas of international discourse (thanks to the actions of social networks and mass media) and the growth of economic and political the power used in the international arena by countries whose development course is aimed at preserving nature. Cultural heritage is becoming a more important participant in multilateral dialogues and, as such, is part of expanding actions within international relations.
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