Published January 31, 2023 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Influence of particle size on the batch flotation of Concentrator Tailings with a view to their industrial recovery

  • 1. Department of Metallurgy, Polytechnic Faculty, University of Likasi, B.P.1946, Likasi, Haut-Katanga, D.R. Congo
  • 2. Department of Industrial Chemistry, Polytechnic Faculty, University of Lubumbashi, B.P.1825, Lubumbashi, Haut-Katanga, D.R. Congo
  • 3. Department of Chemistry, Polytechnic Faculty, University of Likasi, B.P.1946, Likasi, Haut-Katanga, D.R. Congo


Retreatment of wastes is of both economic and environmental interest. The valorization of the wastes of the Southern Katanga Mining Company (CMSK) has a definite advantage on the operating cost, the cost of extraction and the cost of grinding which are significantly reduced.

         To assess the influence of regrinding in the reprocessing by flotation of CMSK plant wastes, flotation tests were carried out on fractions. The fraction smaller than 75 µm constitutes the original sample (flotation 1), the original sample ground for 10 minutes (flotation 2), the fraction above 75 µm of the original sample (flotation 3) and the fraction below 45 µm of the original sample (flotation 4).

         From the obtained results after flotation in similar conditions, it appeared that the particle size has a real influence on the metallurgical performance; Flotation gives the best recovery yields (70.35% for Cu and 77.88$ for Co), followed by flotation 4 (58.98% for Cu and 64.78% for Co), then flotation 3 (57.94% for Cu and 64.14% for Co), and finally flotation 2 (45.51% for Cu and 55.84 % for Co).

         It should therefore be recommended to grind the fraction greater than 75 µm in the hope of improving the recovery yield from the flotation of this fraction. For the fraction smaller than 45 µm, given the risk of generating fine particles (˂ 10 µm) when regrinding the wastes, this fraction should be processed without regrinding.



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