Published October 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Main Characteristics of an Actor's Creative Work in the Art of Feature Film Dubbing

  • 1. Kyiv National I.K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to formulate the basic principles of the art of acting dubbing; to determine the difference between the nature of the actor's creative work in the art of dubbing (in works of audiovisual art) and the nature of the actor’s creative work in the stage art; to determine the stages of the actor's work in the process of dubbing and the content of the work at each of them; to reveal the requirements for the actor’s creative qualities at each stage of work; to formulate the principles of successful solution of creative tasks in the process of dubbing. The research methodology: the authors of the article apply the analytical method to comprehensively study and understand the practice of the art of acting dubbing, determine the specific nature of the actor’s creative work in the art of dubbing and the stages of work in the implementation of a creative project; the comparative method is used for a comparative analysis of the actor’s work in dubbing, theatre, and cinema; the logical and generalisation method is applied to summarise the results of the research and formulate conclusions. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time in the theory of acting art, an attempt is made to comprehend the essence of acting creative work in a completely separate direction of acting activity - the art of dubbing, in particular feature films; for the first time, the main features of the actor's creative work in the art of dubbing, as well as the main stages of his work developed in the Ukrainian school of dubbing, and the meaningful aspect of the actor's work at each stage are determined. Conclusions. A specific feature of the actor's work in the art of dubbing is the focus on achieving transformation into the already created actor's image on the screen. The long process of searching for an image, which accompanies the work of an actor in the theatre is absent in the art of dubbing, since it is already presented on the screen. The ability to unravel the internal motives, needs, action orientation of the screen hero’s behaviour, as well as the actor’s ability to “assign” them through the mechanisms of internal justification, become a decisive factor in the success of the creative project. The implementation process consists of five main stages - orientation, familiarisation, preparation, creative test and correction. Each of the stages puts forward quite specific and special requirements for the internal and external creative apparatus of the actor.



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