Cinema and Television as Factors of Rave Culture Spreading in Ukraine
The purpose of the research is to investigate and analyze the main stages of the club techno culture formation in Ukraine in the context of Ukrainian audiovisual art development. The realization of this goal involves solving the following tasks: to determine the role played by cinema, television, and modern media in the growth of techno music popularity; to prove the importance of electronic music in the context of the modern Ukrainian techno culture formation; to learn about the role of club life in shaping the image of a modern country. The research methodology consists in the application of the general scientific principle of objectivity, cultural, structural-functional, and analytical methods in the analysis of theoretical works of art, the subject field of which concerns the formation of club techno-culture in Ukraine in the context of Ukrainian audiovisual art development. Scientific novelty. The article analyzes the influence of cinema, television, and modern media on the spread of club culture in Ukraine, and systemizes the information obtained from periodicals and scientific domestic and foreign literature. The study can become a springboard for the development of topics in Ukrainian film studies and media theory. Conclusions. The article has analyzed the main factors influencing the spread of rave, indicates the stages of Ukrainian club life development; has identified the main factors and socio-political vectors that influenced the spread of club subculture, and has outlined the role of club life as a socio-cultural factor influencing the formation of domestic techno-culture). The development of music festival culture in Ukraine has been outlined as a way of joining the world culture, a stage of entering civilizational achievements, and an opportunity to express oneself in the world and in history.
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