Published February 11, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Cooperative geophysical inversion integrated with 3D geological modelling

  • 1. University of Western Australia
  • 2. Université de Lorraine
  • 3. CSIRO Australian Resources Research Centre


The uploaded file contains four subdirectories:

1- Starting model
The starting model belongs to the Boulia Region in Queensland, Australia, generated from existing interpretations. The size of the model is (nx=100, ny=90, and nz=40) 
2- Inverted model
This file contains the inverted model and grid from the cooperative inversion using the Level-set algorithm.
3- Seismic traces
The file contains CDP coordinates of reflection seismic profiles (the first column shows Easting coordinates and the second column shows northing coordinates) that could be used for constraining purposes.
4- Gravity datasets
The file contains the coordinates (first three columns) and measured spherical cap Bouguer anomaly gravity datasets (fourth column). 

The model and datasets in this repository have the same format as input models and datasets in Tomofast-x software (



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.