Published October 24, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Causes and Consequences of Embezzlement in Local Governments, Individual and Institutional, Material and Moral Damages


Scientists are now voicing their concern about the poor state of municipal councils and the clear relationship between the system of local government and the lives of people. This concern comes after many years of experimenting with the system of local government. This is the result of the scientists testing with the system for a considerable amount of time. Institutions that are going to investigate the reasons behind the underdevelopment of many nations and the status of the country need, for this reason, to pay a visit to local councils. This is because institutions that are going to investigate the reasons behind the underdevelopment of many nations and the status of the country (Fatile and Okewale, 2014). There are certain councils that are incapable of fulfilling the responsibilities that have been delegated to them. This lack of performance may be traced back to a variety of difficulties, including the theft and negligent use of treasury money, a lack of local autonomy, a lack of skilled personnel and workforce, amongst a considerable number of other problems, and dishonest business practices. This creates a masterservant relationship between the local government, which in turn leads to embezzlement and reckless spending in local (Adeyemi)., 2012). Recently, there have been so many political around the world state in many countries constantly interfere with the financial, financial, and administrative functions assemblies. One kind of graft that may be seen in local parties is the practice of receiving cash from local sources to aid political parties. Izueke (2010) concluded that collaborating with other people is an efficient way to steal money and to be wasteful with one's own money. Collusion is an agreement between two or more parties with the goal of conducting an improper aim, such as unlawfully influencing the actions of another party. This agreement may be termed as "collusion." For instance, it uncovered the following types of corruption that are prevalent within the local government system in Nigeria and served as a barrier to the revival of local at the grassroots level for the purpose of achieving sustainable development: "Collaboration between supervisory ministries and leaders of local government; Confidential agreements with residents who profit from stealing public officials; Collusion with contractors to inflated contract pricing or bid prices." Because of this, the major purpose of this study is to investigate how excessive expenditures and theft committed by public officials have become a barrier to the redevelopment of local infrastructure to make way for sustainable growth.

