Published October 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Adaptation of the Educational Program "Drawing and Painting" under the Martial Law Conditions

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to substantiate and reveal the innovations of the pedagogical approach to teaching the course "Drawing and painting", which became a quick reaction to changes in social reality due to the invasion of the russian federation in Ukraine. To continue the educational process, the educational program was updated and adapted to the extreme conditions of wartime by the author of the article. The article examines the reasons for the updated teaching methodology and the results of innovations. The research methodology. The empirical method and the method of pedagogical experiment, as well as analysis and synthesis, are used in the process of working on the article. The results of the updated method of teaching drawing and painting based on the analysis of social reality and the generalization of psychological advice regarding the behavior and mental health of the civilian population are outlined. The scientific novelty of the study is to record the experience of implementing the program of the course "Drawing and Painting", adapted to the conditions of the martial law. The specific connections of psychological and practical problems, which are faced by teachers and students on a large scale today, are considered. The effectiveness of the new structuring of the educational program in the conditions of the fundamental transformation of classes to the online format has been established. Conclusions. Continuation of the educational process during periods of social cataclysms, even such as war, is the duty of both scientific and pedagogical workers and students of higher education. However, the stressful situation forces us to look for new forms of interaction between the teacher and the student. Accordingly, the educational program "Drawing and painting" was adjusted – full-scale academic productions were replaced by a set of more independent creative tasks that do not require constant contact of the student with the teacher in the classroom.The aim of the updated online course is to master various means of visual presentation of student’s ideas, to study all stages of work, from the concept of the work to the selection of the composition’s format and the creation of an original and expressive graphic image. The updated course is focused on developing the ability to move beyond stereotypical associations and work with a wide range of images. The conducted pedagogical experiment allows us to assert that the individualized process of performing creative tasks within sufficiently broad thematic boundaries contributes to the development of creative analytical thinking, activates the creative abilities of students and forms an intellectual approach to learning, motivation and professional values.



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