Published January 27, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

The family Hydroptilidae Curtis (Trichoptera) in the Ogasawara Islands, northwestern Pacific, with particular reference to adaptive radiation in the oceanic islands

  • 1. Hokkaido Aquatic Biology, Hakuyo-cho, 3-3-5, Eniwa, Hokkaido, 061-1434 Japan.
  • 2. Institute of Boninlogy, Nishi-machi, Chichi-jima, Ogasawara-mura, Tokyo, 100-2101 Japan.
  • 3. Tokyo Metropolitan University, Minamiosawa 1-1, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, 192-0397 Japan.


Ito, Tomiko, Sasaki, Tetsuro, Takahashi, Chicaco, Sugawara, Hirotaka, Hayashi, Fumio (2023): The family Hydroptilidae Curtis (Trichoptera) in the Ogasawara Islands, northwestern Pacific, with particular reference to adaptive radiation in the oceanic islands. Zootaxa 5231 (2): 141-164, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5231.2.2, URL:



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