Published May 29, 2020 | Version Final deliverable
Output management plan Open

Human Exposome Assessment Platform - Data Management Plan. Public deliverable 7.1. Update Jan 2023


This deliverable is the Data Management Plan (DMP) of the Human Exposome Assessment
Platform (HEAP), which aims to create a technical research platform to assess the impact of
the internal and external exposome in human health. HEAP will collect a significant amount
of data from 6 research projects:
HEAP - Cervical screening cohort
HEAP - Maternity cohort
HEAP - HPV vaccination cohort
HEAP - Consumer cohort
HEAP - Wearable data collection study
HEAP - Lifestyle cohort
All data objects from human patients, pathogenic organisms, as well as global genetic
resources will be stored securely, with assurance and documentation that any processing and
analysis will be in line with HEAP ethical and legal framework. The technical infrastructure to
manage all data and metadata in the HEAP’s Information Commons (IC) will be developed by
WP 10 (Secure Infrastructure for big data).
The dedicated work package WP 7 (Data interoperability and data sharing) is committed to
make the HEAP Information Commons (IC) FAIR – findable, accessible, interoperable and
re-usable – including what data the project will generate, whether and how it will be made
accessible for verification and re-use, and how it will be curated and preserved.
We will connect the HEAP Information Commons (IC) to the European Human Exposome
Network and to the EOSC via consistent, FAIR annotation practices including provenance
information. Based on the ethicolegal analysis of the data, value chain access to data and
cloud services will be underpinned by a shared federated authentication and authorization
infrastructure (Life Science AAI) supported by a formal governance model developed by the
WP2 (Ethics and Regulations).



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HEAP – Human Exposome Assessment Platform 874662
European Commission