Published September 22, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Emotional Motor Cortex Region and Leptin in Nervous System and Diversity Paradigm in Biological, Social and Mental Systems


In the communication process, there are certain features of the assessment of the psychological state of a partner, his physical identity, the nature of movements of the limbs and body (postures, gestures), facial expressions and vocalization. This assessment is based on a variety of information about the individual. These information processing activities are collectively referred to as "social cognition" or "social perception (intelligence)" depending on the context. Certain mechanisms have evolved over the course of evolution to create individualized communities within the nervous systems of social animals. These mechanisms are responsible for maintaining social awareness and selectively responding to social inputs. Studies in the fields of physiological and neuropsychological research in the 21st century have identified many socially oriented brain systems. Some are found in the central nervous system and are linked to certain social signals such as: 1) acoustic signal complexes responsible for speech in humans; 2) gestures and positions; and 3) emotional facial expressions. Other processes are located around the nervous system and are linked to the specific function of the autonomic nervous system in maintaining social behavior ( Blascovich , 2000). Mimetic muscles are a unique set of facial muscles that developed during the development of mammals. These muscles allow higher animals to communicate their emotions through nonverbal communication. These muscles in the animal's skin are responsible for a wide variety of activities, including the creation of different facial expressions and voice messages, as well as regulating the movements of the animal's whiskers and ears. Charles Darwin believed that facial muscle movements, along with certain ritualized movements of the extremities (or possibly the whole body), could be seen as an alphabet of this emotional language, a form of emotional gesture. The motor cortex area responsible for controlling facial muscles is significantly larger than the area responsible for regulating hand movements. This is because of the importance of mimetic muscles for human behavior. Some academics believe that there are some "basic" emotions that can be directly identified by facial expression and that these emotions can be evaluated as social signals in the non-verbal (emotional) communication channel (Izard, 1980; Ekman, 2010).

Keywords: Nervous System, Emotional Engine, Cortex Region, Leptin, Biological Social Mental Systems

