Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lepthyphantes cordis Irfan & Zhang & Peng 2022, sp. nov.

  • 1. College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, 410081, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region (Ministry of Education), School of Life Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China.


Lepthyphantes cordis sp. nov. (ÒḆfflƉƦ)

Figures 169–171, 174

Types. Holotype ♂, CHINA, Yunnan, Fugong County, 18km, Lishadi Yakou, 25.21136ºN, 98.69651ºE, 3611m, 5 October 2007, Xian-jin Peng leg. (20071005). Paratypes: 13♂ 8♀, same data as holotype female (20071005).

Etymology. This epithet derives from the Latin noun “ cordis ”, meaning “heart” and refers to the heart-shaped posterior median plate in the epigyne.

Diagnosis. This new species can be differentiated from all other congener s by: In male palp, the lamella characteristca wing-shaped; distal suprategular apophysis bifurcated at tip (Fig. 169A–C); In epigyne, the posterior median plate heart-shaped; the pseudoscape and stretcher extending above the epigastric furrow posteriorly (Fig. 170A–C).

Description. Male (holotype, Fig. 171A, B): Total length: 1.71. Carapace 0.72 long, 0.59 wide, brown. Clypeus 0.12 high. Sternum longer than wide, dark brown, sparsely covered with microsetae. Labium wider than long. Maxillae long, distal end broad with scopulae. Chelicerae with three promarginal and three retromarginal teeth. AER recurved, PER straight, slightly wider. Eye sizes and interdistances:AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.06, AME–AME 0.03, PME–PME 0.04, AME– ALE, 0.04, PME–PLE 0.04, AME–PME 0.06, ALE–ALE 0.28, PLE–PLE 0.30, ALE–PLE contiguous. Length of legs: I 2.97 (0.79, 0.93, 0.70, 0.55), II 2.66 (0.72, 0.83, 0.63, 0.48), III 2.03 (0.59, 0.61, 0.46, 0.37), IV 2.64 (0.79, 0.81, 0.61, 0.43). Leg formula I-II-IV-III. Tm I 0.34 and Tm IV 0.25. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2. Abdomen 0.99 long, 0.76 wide, oval, brown, dorsally with three pairs of white patches followed by five patches dorso-laterally and a longitudinal white band on each lateral side; ventral side brown.

Palp (Fig. 169A–C): Patella shorter than tibia, with a long dorsal spine; tibia conic, with two retrolateral and one dorsal trichobothria; cymbium with a proximal cymbial apophysis somewhat rectangular. Paracymbium proximal wider than long, with fine spines, distal arm with a lateral projection and distal part thumb-shaped, tip almost touches the retrolateral margin of cymbium. Distal suprategular apophysis bifurcated at distal end, dorsal tip hook-shaped retrolateral view. Radix kidneyshaped; embolus proper along with thumb attached to the prolateral side of radix. Lamella characteristca wingshaped in ventral view, with serrated margin.

Female (one of the paratypes, Fig. 171C, D): Total length: 2.05. Carapace 0.74 long, 0.63 wide, brown. Clypeus 0.12 high. Sternum longer than wide, dark brown, sparsely covered with microsetae. Labium wider than long. Maxillae long, distal end broad with scopulae. Chelicerae with five promarginal and three retromarginal teeth. AER recurved, PER straight, slightly wider. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.05, ALE 0.07, PME 0.07, PLE 0.06, AME–AME 0.03, PME–PME 0.04, AME–ALE, 0.03, PME–PLE 0.04, AME–PME 0.07, ALE–ALE 0.29, PLE–PLE 0.32, ALE–PLE contiguous. Length of legs: I 2.58 (0.70, 0.82,.57, 0.49), II 2.36 (0.68, 0.73, 0.53, 0.42), III 1.84 (0.52, 0.59, 0.41, 0.32), IV 2.36 (0.67, 0.74, 0.54, 0.41). Leg formula I-II-IV-III. Tm I 0.27 and Tm IV 0.19. Tibial spine formula: 2-2-2-2. Abdomen 1.31 long, 0.90 wide, the other morphological character same as in male.

Epigyne (Fig. 170A–C): Protruding; pseudoscape broad, wider than long, with a deep distal notch in ventral view; stretcher finger-like with a ventral socket; entrance groove inside lateral pockets; Lateral pockets ear-lobe shaped extending laterally; posterior median plate heart– shape; spermathecae elliptical, pointing towards the lateral margin of the epigynal plate.

Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 174).


Published as part of Irfan, Muhammad, Zhang, Zhi-Sheng & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2022, Survey of Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) spiders from Yunnan, China, pp. 1-292 in Megataxa 8 (1) on pages 149-152, DOI: 10.11646/megataxa.8.1.1,


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Event date
Scientific name authorship
Irfan & Zhang & Peng
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Lepthyphantes cordis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022