Published April 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Design of PHYSIO DSS component, V2


The objective of the present document is that of presenting the design of the second version of the PHYSIO DSS component (PHYSIOlogical evolution of the victim Decision Support System), by highlighting the updating with respect to the first version. As already mentioned in deliverable D4.4, efforts in the first year were addressed to the design of the entire structure of the PHYSIO DSS as well as to the implementation in the chosen testing environment (Matlab) of all the functions and algorithms constituting the component. The present deliverable accompanies the second version of the PHYSIO DSS development, based on a client-server architecture provided as Web Services implemented in C++ which represents the programming language in the production environment. The logic of the PHYSIO DSS component has been extensively presented in deliverable D4.4, therefore the document briefly summarises, for completeness, the functions offered as services, neglecting the details that the reader can still access by consulting the D4.4. Section 1 is dedicated to the presentation of the component and of its role in the project. After a general description of the architecture of the PHISIO DSS component and of its functioning, sections 2, 3 and 4 describe the additions and changes in the PHYSIO DSS design compared to the first version. Section two describes the triage algorithms that have been implemented in this second version of the PHYSIO DSS component: the SORT triage, the SIEVE triage, the START and the JUMP START triage. Section 3 presents the changes made to the class of the Health measurements with the aim of integrate the PHYSIO DSS with the current architecture of the CONCORDE platform. Section 4 describes the new logic underlying the influence of the health measurements that are taken in the field on the physiological variables, in the process of determining the a-posteriori distributions of physiological variables and worsening rates.
Sections 5 briefly describes the table-top demonstration from the PHYSIO DSS point of view, held on February 23rd, whose aim was that of evaluating the Search&Rescue DSS. The table-top was organised in the framework of task T4.6 and the results will be discussed in deliverable D4.13. Section 6 will describe how the PHYSIO DSS will be tested in the Use Case 1 which will be hold in Poggioreale, Sicily (Italy) on April 28th.


SnR_D4.10-Design of PHYSIO DSS component, V2_v1.00.pdf

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Search and Rescue – Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations 882897
European Commission