Published January 18, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Morphometric Analysis of Dhadhar River Basin, Gujarat

  • 1. Climate Change Department, Government of Gujarat, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda Faculty of Technology and Engineering, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
  • 2. Civil Engg. Dept, Faculty of Tech & Engg. The M.S.University of Baroda, Vadodara
  • 3. Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute Dehradun


The development of morphometric techniques was a major advance in the quantitative description of the geometry of the drainage basins and its network which helps in characterizing the drainage network, comparing the characteristic of several drainage networks and examining the effect of variables such as lithology, rock structure, rainfall etc. Morphometric analysis and their relative parameters have been quantitatively carried out for the Dhadhar basin,Gujarat,India.The quantitative analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the basin include Stream density, Stream order, Drainage density, Average stream slope, Compactness coefficient, Circulatory ratio, Elongation ratio, Form factor. The forgoing analysis clearly indicates some relations among the various attributes of the morphometric aspects of the basin and helps to understand their role in sculpturing the surface of the region. This study would help the local people to utilize the resources for sustainable development of the basin area.


2015 - Sutariya, Mujumdar, Sena - Morphometric Analysis of Dhadhar River Basin, Gujarat.pdf