Published January 16, 2023 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Prognostic factors of breast cancer among South Algerian women

  • 1. Hôpital Ouargla


Introduction: Breast cancer (BC) is the most diagnosed cancer in women; it is also the leading cause of cancer death. There is a wide variation in CS survival rates around the world, which essentially depends on a diagnostic delay, with an estimated 5-year survival at more than 80% in high-income countries versus less than 40% in low-income countries. Our objective was to determine the prognostic factors of CS in women in the wilaya of Ouargla.

Material and method: This is a prognostic survival study based on new cases of BC recorded in women, by the cancer registry of the wilaya of Ouargla from 01/01/2014 to 31/12 / 2019. The comparison of observed survival curves as a function of the main prognostic factors is made by the Log-rank test, supplemented by a multivariate regression study according to the Cox model.

Results : In multivariate analysis, the risk of death increased with age (HR = 3.84 and 1.63 for the age group> 65 years and <40 years respectively, compared to the age group 40-64 years), with the size of the tumor (HR = 3.91 and 3.47 for the size T4 and T3 respectively compared to T2), with the stage of lymphadenopathy (HR = 4.65, 3.68 and 2.68 for the N3, N2 and N1 respectively compared to N0) , and with the presence of metastases (HR = 3.4).

Conclusion: Survival after CS essentially depends on prognostic factors, in particular the stage at diagnosis where 20% of patients were diagnosed at a metastatic stage. These patients will need early diagnosis and adequate treatment to improve survival.


Prognostic factors of breast cancer among South Algerian women.pdf

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