Bibliometric Analysis of Studies Published on Alternative Tourism in Tourism Literature
- 1. Romanian Academy Branch of Iasi
- 2. CEFIDEC Vara Dornei
The ever-growing and changing tourism sector offers alternative touristic products and promove. In parallel with the developments in the world, besides coastal tourism shaped by the sea-sand-sun trio, many alternative tourism types are coming out in Turkey. In the study, it is aimed to examine the bibliometric profiles of the articles titled “alternative tourism” within the framework of the determined parameters. In this context, the articles published between 2000-2022 were derived from the Google Scholar database. 42 articles accessed as a result of the searches lay with different variables with frequency analysis and graphics. The articles were examined on the basis of criteria such as the year they were published, the journal they were published in, the research method and research variables. As a result of this evaluation, it was seen that the most articles on alternative tourism were published in 2008. It has been determined that the research variables are mostly alternative tourism potential and centers. Theoretical studies are relatively more numerous than empirical studies. In terms of the findings, it is thought that the study will provide an important and comprehensive resource that researchers can benefit from. Other findings of the study show that the number of studies on alternative tourism has increased in recent years.
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- 2971-9151 (ISSN)
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