Published January 16, 2023 | Version V.2
Report Open

Water-ForCE Atmospheric Correction Workshop. Questionnaire Results


This report summarizes the results obtained in a post workshop questionnaire of Water-ForCE project.  The questionnaire was based on 36 recommendations formulated by the atmospheric correction (validation) experts who were invited to give a presentation during the online Water-ForCE Water Quality Continuum Atmospheric Correction workshop on 20 October 2022.

The recommendations were further grouped into 4 main categories:

  •  Atmospheric Correction PROCESSING (13 recommendations received)
  • IN SITU DATA for Atmospheric Correction CAL/VAL (14 recommendations received)
  • Atmospheric Correction and CAL/VAL (4 recommendations received)
  • Atmospheric Correction and SENSORS (5 recommendations received)

The questionnaire was sent to all participants (55) of the workshop. The respondents were asked to score the recommendations from 0 to 10, showing 0 as low priority and 10 as high priority.



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European Commission
Water-ForCE – Water scenarios For Copernicus Exploitation 101004186