Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Development of technological principles of technical control of bus bodies during operation based on passive safety conditions

  • 1. Lviv National University of Environmental Management, Ukraine
  • 2. Tcherkasy State Business-College, Ukraine
  • 3. Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Ukraine
  • 4. The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi, Ukraine


The object of this study is the permissible limits of aging of bus bodies during operation and the formation of appropriate recommendations to control them based on the conditions of compliance of the body with passive safety rules.

According to the current method, the new model of the bus is checked for compliance with passive safety by a destructive method. However, during operation, the physical and mechanical properties of the body deteriorate until the moment of non-compliance with the requirements of passive safety. Therefore, the principles of technical control of bus bodies under the conditions of passive safety by non-destructive methods, the implementation of which became possible during the operation of buses, have been developed. 3 implementation options have been proposed.

In the first variant, visual control is complemented by a measuring tool – an ultrasonic thickness gauge for measuring the thickness of the frame pipes. This method has not previously been used in the certification of vehicles.

The second option involves checking the mechanical properties during repairs on a breaking machine. It is proved that during the restoration repairs of buses, the endurance limit of the steel elements of the body frame is reduced by 1.14–3.33 times.

In the third variant, the methodology for modeling and calculating the stressed-strained state of the body was improved based on the method of finite elements, taking into account the effects of corrosion and fatigue strength of the metal of the frame. When modeling, the deformation of the body racks exceeded the permissible values by 1.5–2.0 times. This non-destructive method makes it possible to check the bus for compliance with passive safety requirements during operation, which was previously impossible.

The scope of practical application is the introduction of research results into the real practice of operating buses at the legislative level.

The results are suitable for monitoring the technical condition of buses by non-destructive methods during operation


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