Published January 9, 2023 | Version v1
Working paper Open

EOSC Preservation: Overview Discussion Paper


The Long-Term Data Preservation Task Force (LTDP TF) of the EOSC Association has since its establishment worked on mapping the status and further clarification of the meaning of long-term preservation within the EOSC. This work has resulted in an overview and discussion paper to presents the context, activities and ongoing issues surrounding the EOSC Association Long Term Data Preservation Task Force. The paper describes our approach on preservation in the context of EOSC concerning outcomes, systems, and actions with attention to the vision, roles, finance, and networks needed to deliver preservation for FAIR digital objects in the EOSC. This document is intended to collect community feedback on our approach as well as future recommendations to be considered.

We kindly ask the community for feedback on our approach as well as future recommendations to be considered through a short survey:


EOSC-A_LTDP TF_Overview Discussion Paper_Dec2022.pdf

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