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Published January 31, 2017 | Version v1
Report Open

Activity report of the Italian CRG beamline at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) - Year 2016

  • 1. CNR-IOM Grenoble
  • 2. CNR-IOM Trieste
  • 3. ESRF Grenoble
  • 4. CNR-SPIN Genova
  • 5. Univ. Bologna
  • 6. KU Leuwen
  • 7. Univ. Padova
  • 8. CNR-ICCOM, Firenze
  • 9. Uiv. Statale, Milano
  • 10. PSI, Viligen


This document resumes the activity of the Italian CRG beamline at ESRF (LISA project) during year 2016. Statistic data on the beamline use are presented as well as the latest major instrumental advancements, highlight experiments and publications.


IT CRG@ESRF Activity Report_2016_N_4.pdf

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