Shallow tremor catalog observed by Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) and DAS data off Cape Muroto, southwest Japan
Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) strain rate data (hdf5 data) with the Muroto Cable, southwest Japan, when shallow tremors are observed (period: January 30–February 8, 2022).
I added a catalog of shallow tremors observed by DAS and shallow very low frequency earthquakes (VLFEs) corresponding to these tremors in version 2.
The DAS measurement is conducted by AP Sensing (model N5200A) with a sensing length of 55 km along the Muroto Cable. Gauge length is 40.4 m. The waveforms were stacked in successive 10 channels to downsample to 51-m channel spacing and decimated to 100 Hz sampling.
The tremor analysis with this DAS data is presented in AGU Fall Meeting 2022 ( and written in a submitted paper.
The filename of hdf5 DAS data show the start time (year-month-day_hour.minute.second) in UT. The data length of each file is one minute. The unit of the data is nstrain/s.
Data Set S1: Tremor catalog observed by DAS located from DAS and DONET data
Data Set S2: Tremor catalog located from only DONET data
Data Set S3: VLFE catalog which temporally correspond to tremors observed by DAS
DONET broadband seismograms data can be downloaded from the website of National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience Hi-net (