Published December 26, 2022 | Version 3
Journal article Open

An Active Inference Ontology for Decentralized Science: from Situated Sensemaking to the Epistemic Commons

  • 1. Active Inference Institute, Complexity Weekend
  • 2. Active Inference Institute
  • 3. OpSci
  • 4. Active Inference Institute, Kairos Reseearch
  • 5. Active Inference Institute, Complexity Weekend, Kernel
  • 6. Active Inference Institute, OpSci


In this work, we examine science from the vantage points of blockchain technology and its connection to decentralized science (DeSci). We consider science as a collective process using Active Inference, an integrative framework that models the cognitive processes of perception, planning, and action selection in terms of Bayesian probabilities and updating. We present the Active Entity Ontology for Science (AEOS, available at as a composable and versionable system for modeling various science systems, using the Active Inference entity partitioning. Such DeSci systems are considered from the perspective of BOLTS (Business, Operations, Legal, Technical, Social). Further steps for developing and utilizing AEOS in the context of scientific ecosystems are provided.


v3 provides some writing edits/clarifications, and describes Active Blockference as ongoing project rather than proposed direction.



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