Published December 15, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Infectostriatus differens Bartlett & Lambkin 2022, sp. nov.


Infectostriatus differens sp. nov.

ZooBank registration: 0872ADA2-B565-4E15-A5FA-954E06F63362

(Figs 6, 38, 77, 150; Map 2)

HOLOTYPE ♁: Queensland: 13.53S 143.11E GPS, 6km NNE Coen, QLD, 13 Jan. 1994, P.Zborowski & E.D.Edwards, at light (ANIC).

Diagnosis. Infectostriatus differens sp. nov. is most easily differentiated from I. absentis sp. nov. by the presence of punctation between the seventh and tenth striae between the base and elytral fascia.

Description. Habitus: Fig. 150. Total length: 9.2 mm. Head: Vertex, frons, genae and gula black, clypeus and supra-antennal elevation black to dark reddish-brown, anteclypeus, labrum, antennae and palpi orangebrown or chestnut-brown; frons narrow (eyes separated by 0.52 eye widths), impressed above narrowest point, frontal sculpturing confused-foveolate, transversely wrinkled below narrowest point; genae wrinkled, wrinkles extending into submentum though not meeting in middle; exterior margins of terminal palpomeres about 1.6 times (maxillae) and 2.3 times (labium) the length of inside edges; antennae almost reaching base of pronotum; eyes and most of cranium vested with erect pale setae, frons with shorter medially-directed setae. Prothorax: Pronotum black infused with a deep reddish hue; pronotum 1.15 times longer than wide, sides sub-tuberculate in middle, above each tubercle an oblique sulcus, subapical depression shallow v-shaped, disc with a central longitudinal sulcus; surface moderately well punctated, dorso-lateral punctation sometimes sub-rugulose, subtly tumescent posterior of subapical depression and surrounding central sulcus, well-vested in short fine multidirectional setae and long erect setae. Pterothorax: Ventrites black, barely punctate, moderately vested with short pale and occasional long setae; elytra blackish to brown with yellowish or orange markings (each elytron with a large apical macula, a broad ‘stepped’ central fascia which extends anteriorly between the suture and 5 th stria and ends just before base, plus a small humeral macula); length to width ratio 2.44:1; punctation with lateral bead-like nodules, 8 th and 9 th striae highly reduced, the 8 th evident within dark areas between fascia and apical macula and between fascia and base, the 9 th stria represented by fewer punctations between fascia and apical macula only, punctation relatively large until near apex, disc well-vested in very fine short and thicker erect setae, interstriae with alternating long erect setae and shorter ‘leaning’ setae, epipleurae extending well into apical curve; hindwing with CuA 3+4 and CuA 1 cross-veins complete, MP 3+4 absent basad of CuA 1 crossvein. Legs: Profemora entirely black, meso- and metafemora with basal half orange and apical half black, tibiae and tarsi brown, ventral tarsal pads yellowish; profemora slightly swollen, other femora slender. Abdomen: Ventrites orange. Male genitalia: Tegmen (Fig. 38) relatively slender, middle weakly sinuate, broadest at ‘bend’ of tegminal arms, parameroid lobes angled inwards and blunt (not pointed) apically, dorsal sinus very wide, angular, just over one-quarter tegmen length, corner of broadest point with transparent (sensory?) membrane, ventral sinus almost as long, tegminal arms sharply meeting apodeme, apodeme just over quarter tegmen length; median lobe as in Fig. 77.

Etymology. The specific epithet differens (Latin, meaning dissimilar) simply refers to the clear differences between this and the superficially very similar type species.

Biology. The holotype was collected in January, at light.

Distribution (Map 2). The holotype was collected near Coen in far north Queensland.


Published as part of Bartlett, Justin S. & Lambkin, Christine L., 2022, Australian Opilonini (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae) part I: A revised taxonomy for Australian Opilo Latreille including descriptions of new genera and species, pp. 1-81 in Zootaxa 5220 (1) on page 30, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5220.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Bartlett & Lambkin
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
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Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Infectostriatus differens Bartlett & Lambkin, 2022